The international association of independent democrats against authoritarian regimes
  2 0 1 8 O S C E


The international association of independent democrats against authoritarian regimes.


There are dictatorship states: AZERBAIJAN, BELARUS, UZBEKISTAN, TURKMENISTAN, TAJIKISTAN, KAZAKHSTAN and aggressive RUSSIA   but we have the moratoria of the hard criticism  for Uzbekistan at this year, best wishes to the President   for next steps to the Democracy.


WORKING SESSION 5, Rule of law II, including prevention of arbitrary arrest, detention or exile, and prevention of torture, exchange of views on the question of abolition of capital punishment……



 At working session , participants have been demonstrated a lot examples  for violations at the independence of the judiciary and non fair trials. And we know that dictatorship states have not the independence of the judiciary and fair trials. The same situation gives the very big activity for the policemen and special services to use tortures at the arbitrary arrest ( and , late , in prisons) . Violations of Human Rights are at all steps of the dictatorships: the arbitrary arrest, detention , exile etc.  First of all tortures are using very large in states of Central Asia.

We  have our appeal to democratic states of the West : to stop tortures in  dictatorship states for 15 years…

But, today , we see: democratic states of the West have the interest to have the money only with any way- “Aes non olet”…..

We see next: NGO activists distribute at HDIM the list political imprisons of Turkmenistan              ( more 100 persons) since 2016 year . Families of those victims of the dictatorship  have not contacts for 7-10 years. But we don’t see questions of the West to the dictator Berdymukhamedov….


 The next problem: a capital punishment …  We see Belarus  has the same punishment – it is one state in Europe with a capital punishment!


   We have the very large activity at HDIM for 15 years, we demonstrated  facts concretes of violations of Human Rights… and we see delegations of the West don’t hear  us, our information since 2017 year and today….




And we ask : please your support for the President of Uzbekistan return tostate  independence of the judiciary, independent attorneys, lawyers.


 The recommendation:

We know: there is the dictator – there are not the independence of the judiciary and non fair trials. Everybody have know to know names of dictators.

Second hand: OSCE has documents: the freedom of expression and freedom of the media that the participating States adopted since Helsinki Final Act. In the Budapest Document (1994), OSCE participating States reaffirmed “that freedom of expression is a fundamental human right and a basic component of a democratic society’, and in the Helsinki Document (2008) they recognized that “human rights are best respected in democratic societies. NGOs has the rights to have the freedom of expression , etc. Tajikistan and Azerbaijan adopted OSCE documents!  But we see  the aggressive attacks to representatives of NGOs by the official of Tajikistan ( the physical attack )  and psychological attacks , same  torture, by officials of Azerbaijan.

 We ask moderators of ODIHR-OSCE to stop same attacks and to demand the tolerance at HDIM OSCE.




The international association of independent democrats against authoritarian regimes.

WORKING SESSION 11          Fundamental freedoms


There are dictatorship states: AZERBAIJAN, BELARUS, TURKMENISTAN, TAJIKISTAN, KAZAKHSTAN and aggressive RUSSIA   ; UZBEKISTAN, but with our moratoria of the hard criticism at this year,



States with the dictatorship have not any Fundamental freedoms, there is the imitation only and the big propaganda.

 For example: Turkmenistan has not even one NGO . All 3 (three ) parties are the decoration of the dictatorship of Berdymukhamedov. 

Yes. NGOs in Kazakhstan have the relative freedom.

Belarus, the dictator Lukashenko started the repression for the independent TRADE UNION (REP) , for leaders, Henadz Fiadynich and Ihar Komlik. The judgement of Lukashenko court : restrictions of the movement and living. Belarus has the crime article for the persecution    unregistered NGOs at this time.


States with the dictatorship (exception Belarus) have national human rights institutions with different forms but is the typical butterfly, the circus.

We see statements of the director of the same Institute of Azerbaijan have the totally lie. There are not the sense to give analogical examples for other states.  The dictatorship has not the changing to the Democracy. (exception Uzbekistan )  .

Our Association unites  NGOs from the dictatorship states has been founded at 2002 year at we have our statement for every Meeting  of OSCE with very concrete facts and recommendations.

And What ? Nothing ! And more, we see the power of  Tadjikistan converts to the dictatorship. May be ( I hope) democrats of Kyrgyzstan have the good support by democratic West, USA , first of all.


Today democratic people have not support by West and more, democratic states forget the democratic values and Human Rights, only money.



And part II  (two) for freedom of expression.

Moderators of ODIHR don’t stopped attacks by the dictator Aliev delegation to democratic peoples….

But more- this Meeting has been started with the very bad method , the very complicated  registration system.

If , with old system, I had the registration for 2 (two) seconds with the cod ( or 10 ,ten minutes  ) today  I need 2 hours  for the registration. The instruction is not the help. And more , EU  and Poland, ODIR is in Poland, has new REGULATION (G D P R) by EU.


And there are questions :

Why there is only English for the registration?


Why ODIHR demand to give the resource of the financial support of NGO?


Why ODIHR demand to give   “CV” of the participant  ?


ODIHR, OSCE will propose the job for participants in structures of OSCE?


What is the opportunity of the participant of HDIM for the control (checking) using personal dates  by ODIHR ?


I am the participant 16 years at the Meeting (HDIM). – I see not good steps by ODIHR since 2016 year.


The conclusion:


The meeting has not good organisation since the step of the registration at this year .


                                 2018 HUMAN DIMENSION IMPLEMENTATION MEETING                                                                             11 September 2018,                                      

         Freedom of media The international association of independent democrats against authoritarian regimes.  There are dictatorship states: AZERBAIJAN, BELARUS, UZBEKISTAN, TURKMENISTAN, TAJIKISTAN, KAZAKHSTAN and aggressive     RUSSIA         … but we have the moratoria of the hard criticism for Uzbekistan at this year, best wishes to the President   for next steps to the Democracy.                          

             Dear West delegations!

We propose the information for two situations. But you must remember that all dictatorship states violate the rights of journalists and makes repressions for mass-media forever.                                       

                  There is the hard fact in   Turkmenistan,   the journalist   Ogulsapar Muradova   has been killed by the dictatorship- the confirmation by United Nation (HRC) There are facts of brutal repressions in Azerbaijan and Tajikistan, Russia.

      And , please your attention for next: The dictatorship of Lukashenko      started      the war      against      independent      mass-media: the information agency BELAPAN      and the portal, to the journalist of DW (Deutsch Welwe)  Pauliuk Bykoyski. The criminal offence to the chairman of Belapan  has the result: the death of Ales Lipay. The provocation of the special services  has the goal:  to delete      the trust information for Belarusian people.        …                         
 And   the dictator Lukashenko    make  s   more space for Russian fake media in Belarus,                                            for the next steps of russification of Belarus.                 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Next.  2010 HDIM ,our member –HUMAN RIGHTS EDUCATION CENTRE had the statement (see attach) about  mass attacks s to Belarusian people by Polish media . (without the reaction by OSCE)   At this year, newspaper Gazeta “„Rzeczpospolita”  published the article  “Czy Rosja wchłonie Białoruś”, -  Russia incorporates  Belarus…. ( 25\04\2018) “„Rzeczpospolita”  published the total lie and the defamation about Belarusian people. It is the article by the director of the state analytical centre. (OSW, dr.Adam Eberhardt)      We see the next example of the Polish chauvinism to Belarusian nation ! What is ODIHR, what is OSCE reaction ?  We ask OSCE, ODIHR to stop same defamation of Belarus Nation in Polish  massmedia!      The Polish redaction of the newspaper doesn’t wish take the text by Belarusian Human Rights defender for publication --- the reaction on the lie article. “ OSW” doesn’t write the sorry article.  Today situation : Poland has  not  a fair trial and just conditions for the protection against the defamation and discrimination Belarusian people.                                                                                 

                                      Freedom of  media in all states !

The international association of independent democrats against authoritarian regimes.


There are dictatorship states: AZERBAIJAN, BELARUS, UZBEKISTAN, TURKMENISTAN, TAJIKISTAN, KAZAKHSTAN and aggressive RUSSIA   but we have the moratoria of the hard criticism  for Uzbekistan at this year, best wishes to the President   for next steps to the Democracy.

 WORKING SESSION 5, Rule of law II, including prevention of arbitrary arrest, detention or exile, and prevention of torture, exchange of views on the question of abolition of capital punishment……

  At working session , participants have been demonstrated a lot examples  for violations at the independence of the judiciary and non fair trials. And we know that dictatorship states have not the independence of the judiciary and fair trials. The same situation gives the very big activity for the policemen and special services to use tortures at the arbitrary arrest ( and , late , in prisons) . Violations of Human Rights are at all steps of the dictatorships: the arbitrary arrest, detention , exile etc.  First of all tortures are using very large in states of Central Asia.

We  have our appeal to democratic states of the West : to stop tortures in  dictatorship states for 15 years…

But, today , we see: democratic states of the West have the interest to have the money only with any way- “Aes non olet”…..

We see next: NGO activists distribute at HDIM the list political imprisons of Turkmenistan              ( more 100 persons) since 2016 year . Families of those victims of the dictatorship  have not contacts for 7-10 years. But we don’t see questions of the West to the dictator Berdymukhamedov….

  The next problem: a capital punishment …  We see Belarus  has the same punishment – it is one state in Europe with a capital punishment! 

   We have the very large activity at HDIM for 15 years, we demonstrated  facts concretes of violations of Human Rights… and we see delegations of the West don’t hear  us, our information since 2017 year and today….


 And we ask : please your support for the President of Uzbekistan return tostate  independence of the judiciary, independent attorneys, lawyers.


 The recommendation:

We know: there is the dictator – there are not the independence of the judiciary and non fair trials. Everybody have know to know names of dictators.

Second hand: OSCE has documents: the freedom of expression and freedom of the media that the participating States adopted since Helsinki Final Act. In the Budapest Document (1994), OSCE participating States reaffirmed “that freedom of expression is a fundamental human right and a basic component of a democratic society’, and in the Helsinki Document (2008) they recognized that “human rights are best respected in democratic societies. NGOs has the rights to have the freedom of expression , etc. Tajikistan and Azerbaijan adopted OSCE documents!  But we see  the aggressive attacks to representatives of NGOs by the official of Tajikistan ( the physical attack )  and psychological attacks , same  torture, by officials of Azerbaijan.

 We ask moderators of ODIHR-OSCE to stop same attacks and to demand the tolerance at HDIM OSCE.\\


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