The international association of independent democrats against authoritarian regimes


  The APPEAL to governments of member-states of EU and USA, Canada.


 In the region OSCE are states with the dictatorship: Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan and again Uzbekistan


Belarus sends SOS !    Belarus is not the dictator Alexander Lukashenko.

Today, the people of Belarus show his wish to have the Freedom, to be free. Thousands and thousands men and women go to streets of cities and towns of Belarus with pacific demonstrations against the total lie of the power, against the total falsification of their votes. They are convinced that their Candidate, Svetlana Tsikhanowska , has the win and she is the new President of the republic of Belarus.

Alexander Lukashenko, the dictator, is not the President of Belarus!

Alexander Lukashenko is the criminal according the Rome Statute, article 7 !

It is not the civilization power, if this power crashes children with the armoured car.

It is not the people power, if bandit men of the Lukashenko throw bombs to the pacific people, shoot to men and women, children (see photo) . It is not the people power ,if the bandits with black uniforms beat pacific people. There are 200 wounded, 7000 people in the prison and 2 death , but perhaps ,7 deaths next.

Why it is ? It is the crazy war of the dictator Lukashenko for his dictatorship forever.

26 years!  He forces Belarus for 26 years by the support aggressive imperialistic Russia.  The agent of the Russian KGB, Lukashenko, made the illegal referendum at 1995 year and starts the total russification of Belarus, with the repression of the Belarusian language. The native language is the base of every Nation.                                                                                                   The goal of the Russian agent, Lukashenko: to destroy the Belarusian Nation.                The Belarusian language is the state language with the Constitution, but there is not the Belarusian language in government structures , governments media , education, etc. We know examples : punishments  for people who talk in the Belarusian language on the street…… It is in Belarus state!  Only Russian language!

 Remember ! The Russian power says: “The Russian territory is there where is the RUSSIAN language” !

Alexander Lukashenko made the constitution overturn at 1996 with the false referendum and it is the usurpation, it is the dictatorship.

      The democratic West had the very big mistake: ”Alexander Lukashenko is the guarantor   of the sovereignty of Belarus”. 15 August (and 16 August), the dictator Lukashenko showed that he protects his dictatorship power  only but the Republic Belarus is SALE to Russia by Lukashenko. The end for the West illusions!                        The foreign minister of Lithuania , Mr.Linkavichus  said : Alexander Lukashenko  is the former president. It is the truth. He is not the president of Belarus.

At 1918 year , the West didn’t support the Belarusian Nation; at 1991-1994 year , the West didn’t support democratic movements of Belarus (only by Sir Soros,thank you).

   Today, the democratic West must execute his debt: to help the Belarusian people to have sovereign democratic state.




 Dr.Valery Hrytsuk

The international association of independent democrats against  authoritarian regimes, participant of HDIM OSCE since 2002 year.


P.S. See our proposition for the activity of the West.







First of, the dictator Alexander Lukashenko rejected proposition for his exile, the proposition for the mediation of the dialog with the Belarusian people, but his a gave the orders for the very hard , brutal repressions for the Belarusian people: to beat , to shoot!


1) The West must support the application against the criminal Alexander Lukashenko to the International Court with the article 7  of the Rome Statute.

 2)To do the proposition- the promising that – A\ EU will support the structural transformation of Belarus at the new president with the financial support. B\ EU will support the Belarusian people with a temporary permission for a job migration of Belarusian people to states of EU. ( it is the money for Belarus, also)

3)  EU will promote the Belarusian transformation by an expert support.

4) EU states will have the special foundations for the grant for Belarusian students at European universities.

5)  EU Commission must make the appeal to trade-union of Europe: to create the special foundation for strike workers in Belarus or workers who are temporary have not a job.

6) EU and USA, Canada must make the special appeal to Russia: STOP any intervention to affairs of the sovereign republic Belarus or Russia will have very hard  economic sanction!

7) USA and Canada will support the transformation of the economy of Belarus with financial support.




проект Доступный Казахстан

Коллеги просят распространить информацию о конкурсе для неправительственных организаций.

«Рады сообщить вам, что проект Доступный Казахстан объявляет конкурс для НПО и инициативных групп в 17 городах Казахстана. Проект направлен на реализацию равного доступа к объектам и услугам для людей с инвалидностью и других маломобильных граждан. Проект реализуется при финансовой поддержке Представительства Европейского Союза в Республике Казахстан.


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Were are 12, 7, 5 ,4, 3 “conditions- steps” for the power of Belarus ?

EU had the proposals : first of STEPS to the Democracy,  next – “The Dialog”

What is today?  A silence is the priority? There is not “ Belarusian problem”

EU VISA-free for Belarusian peoples !!!

 To the European Parliament, the European Commission



A visa-FREE  for Belarusian citizens !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We know the EU has the agreement with Russia for a visa-free for Russian citizens for next years. We know the political decision may be adopted at every time. Russian has  80 mln citizens. There were EU and Russia discussions about a visa –free trips for Russian citizens.   The next step of this issue is the decision. 

What is it for Belarus?  We know Russia (Kreml) has a very high influence on Belarus. The sovereignty of Belarus is endangered a plan non-visa  ( visa-free) for Russian citizens. It will be the reason for citizens of Belarus to be the citizen of Russia.

We know about a new step of EU for Armenia for a visa-free for citizens of Armenia. But we know about a large immigration of citizens of Armenia to states of EU today.

               We, democratic Belarusian activists, see a very big danger for the sovereignty of Belarus. The wars and occupations regimes from the East and the West stopped the development of the Belarusian identity, the Belarusian Nation. Belarus has the russification process today with the dictator Lukashenko and the Moscow support.

EU must support the Belarus . EU must adopt the decision “The visa-free for Belarusian citizens” first of all for the support of sovereignty of Belarus without the agreement of the dictator Lukashenko!Belarus has near 7 mln citizens  only. It is not problem for EU. Belarusian citizens had near 440 000 payment visa at 2012.  But states of EU had near  200 refugee applications only. Belarus is not a migrant danger for EU states.

 We would like to ask you support the Belarusian Nation. We ask a visa-free for Belarusian citizens.The first step to this decision --- visa free-payment for Belarusian citizens at 2013.

 Belarus, January 2013

! BCEM ! BCEM !                                         SOS!
Elections 2012 -- the end at today.10.08.2012

HELP !  Help for Belarusian democrats  not the dictatorship !

Poland- Lithuania –Germany -

What can I think about the European Democracy? What are Principles?

We know about Polish action and Lithuania action for the support of the dictatorship of Lukashenko. It is “the Bialiatski case” and for other Human Rights Defenders.. 2011 year.

 You know about the very drastic repressions  and next dictator’ trials for Belarusian democrats after the meeting at 19 December 2010. Why were repressions in Belarus very successful?

2012. We see the information about  a Germanic police. Wonderful !!!  Germanic police supports the police of the dictatorship of Lukashenko before    at 19 December 2010 and after it!

WHAT IS IT? Germanic peoples forget the Germanic genocide for Belarusian Nation …  And Germanic police support the dictatorship of Lukashenko continues a same genocide for Belarusian peoples. Is it a true or not? What is the reason for the government of Germany?

And .WE sees Interpol supports dictatorship of Lukashenko …. What ( who) is NEXT

What is an action of EU ?  What are  the Democracy and Human Rights?

Dr.ValeryHrytsuk, Belarusian Democrat

 Oбращение Объединенной гражданской партии, Belarus


Мы обращаемся к Вам в связи с тревогой за будущее нашей страны и за судьбу людей, которые проявили гражданскую позицию и вышли на мирный протест против фальсификации результатов президентских выборов в Беларуси.

19 декабря на площадь в центре Минска пришли около 40 тысяч человек. Против мирных манифестантов власти применили грубую силу, продемонстрировав тем самым свое пренебрежение к правам человека. Тысячи людей были избиты, многие получили серьезные травмы. За участие в гражданском протесте только по официальным данным арестовано более 600 человек, в том числе 5 кандидатов в президенты, лидер Объединенной гражданской партии Анатолий Лебедько, председатель Минской городской организации ОГП Анатолий Павлов и его заместитель Олег Корбан. Волна арестов продолжается. Многим грозит уголовное преследование и тюремные сроки до 15 лет.

Мы просим Вас использовать свои возможности для освобождения Анатолия Лебедько, Анатолия Павлова, Олега Корбана, кандидатов в президенты Владимира Некляева, Андрея Санникова, Николая Статкевича, Виталия Рымашевского, Алексея Михалевича и всех других политзаключенных. Просим донести информацию о политических преследованиях в Беларуси и призыв о помощи до всех, кто мог бы помочь: журналистов, правозащитников, депутатов парламентов, общественных деятелей и политических партий.

Мы очень рассчитываем на Ваше содействие. Мы надеемся, что результатом его могут стать публикации в СМИ, обращения и заявления политических партий, общественных организаций, парламентов, правительств, акции солидарности. Сообщайте, пожалуйста, нам о таких событиях по электронной почте: ,, . Только неравнодушие и международная солидарность остановят лавину репрессий и помогут гражданам Беларуси сделать свою страну свободной и демократической.

Станислав Богданкевич,Почетный Председатель ОГП, бывший председатель Национального банка Беларуси, бывший руководитель фракции ОГП в Верховном Совете Беларуси

Лев Марголин, Заместитель Председателя ОГП

Михаил Чигирь,Член Национального Комитета ОГП, бывший Премьер-министр Беларуси


ы публикует это Заявление политической оппозиции Беларуси как наиболее характерное.



Национального Комитета Объединенной гражданской партии Беларуси

Применив грубую силу против мирных граждан 19 декабря 2010 г., Александр Лукашенко поставил себя вне Закона. Кровавая бойня, спровоцированная по прямому указанию высших должностных лиц государства и силовых структур, является террором против граждан Беларуси и не поможет скрыть факт фальсификации выборов.Преступления против собственного народа не могут быть оправданы ничем. Объединенная гражданская партия требует незамедлительного возбуждения уголовного дела против А. Г. Лукашенко, министра внутренних дел А. Н. Кулешова, председателя КГБ В. Ю. Зайцева и других лиц, причастных к совершению этого преступлен

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