The international association of independent democrats against authoritarian regimes
  HOT in English



65 000  persones  has been repressed  by the terrorist A.Lukashenko…..

Today Belarus has104 political prisoners  with very  danger health  situation !

The dictatorship of the Russian agent Lukashenko  marked  5 000 internet-portal “EXTREMIST”

FOR new  spectacle “elections of president” at January 2025  – the dictatorship   makes   the  total “sterilization” of the Belarusian society:  the missives actions  of the dogsdictatorship  take  citizens for the prevention  detainments  in all regions of Belarus !




Paradox UN.

The next the big meeting for ecology  problem of the Earth  was in the dictatorship Azerbajan/

But the dictator Alien  made the declaration that an OIL and a GAS  must be  the every day resource for the state. //// The spectacle “elections” September 1, 2024,  have been boycotted by  the opposition  successul  .( from  6,4 millions  citizens   --    only  2,1 millions  citizens  go  to “election box” )


Belarus  XI

65 000  persones  has been repressed  by the terrorist A.Lukashenko…..

Today Belarus has104 political prisoners  with very  danger health  situation !

The dictatorship of the Russian agent Lukashenko  marked  5 000 internet-portal “EXTREMIST”

FOR new  spectacle “elections of president” at January 2025  – the dictatorship   makes   the  total “sterilization” of the Belarusian society:  the missives actions  of the dogsdictatorship  take  citizens for the prevention  detainments  in all regions of Belarus !


Belarus in the terror--- 4 years of brutal repression.

65,000 people were detained. (Viasna Human Rights Center)

74 thousand facts of brutal repressions by the terrorist Lukashenko;

Recognized political prisoners increased by 55.5 times: real > 5000!

More than 2,000 people already have the status (par AI) political prisoners.

It is publicly known: that 6,971 people are under criminal charges.

1140 political prisoners served their terms in prisons.

6 political prisoners died behind bars; Aleksandar Kulinich, Igor Lednik, Vadim Hrasko,

Ales Pushkin, Nikolai Klimovich, Vitold Ashurak.



BELARUS-GULAG , affter 2020 
The Moscow dictatorship agent  Lukashenko  will teach Belarusian schoolchildren that the ” national symbols of Belarusians are Nazi”, and that                “the protests of 2020 are the methods of “collaborators”, that is against Moscow. Such fake  textbooks for Belarusian children have already been published. AND !!!


The dictatorship of the Russian agent Lukashenko gives the NAME "extremist formation" for  all democratic Belarusian organizations and the democratic Internet media. There are many absurd examples. NEXT -- The Union of Mothers of Belarus", which opposes the war, (STOP the Russian war!) was recognized by the KGB as an "extremist organization".



After 2020 : more 4 500 political court decisions for the punishment !!!

In February only, at least 129 persons were convicted with the political motivated criminal cases in Belarus.

Attention!104 cultural persons are the POLITICAL prisoners in Belarus!

CHILDREN!- The book “”My mother is in prison" was published by the Belarusian publishing house "Gutenberg" (Krakow). The publication contains stories of children of Belarusian prisoners.


The repression for "Pagonia" in the car was noticed in city Biarozy ,it is the next persecution for the National symbol! (“Pagonia””- is the National arms of Belarusian people),


After the 2020 elections, there were more convictions in politically motivated criminal cases

for 4.5 thousand persons...


On January 23-24, a mass attacks by security units of the terrorist Lukashenko have been across all Belarus on the families of political prisoners, former political prisoners and those persons, who helped political prisoners!


The prosecutors of the dictator Lukashenko supported the state indictment for 1,364 criminal cases "on crimes of extremist orientation””







The drastic dictator Lukashenko continues drastic repression of the Belarusian people. There are the general |”” enemy”” of the dictatorship: COLOR-- white and red !!!Everybody who has “” white and red “” has the punishment !!! \\\\\ 1500 formal (by AI) Political prisoners ! But. in reality, more 5000 political prisoners ?





Why Lukashenko is the Russian agent KGB-FSB?


Alexander Lukashenko was in the frontier-guard unit, the political officer position. The army of frontier-guard unit, was under KGB.

Alexander Lukashenko didn’t has his vote for “the Declaration of the Sovereignty of Belarus” (BSSR) at 1990 and 1991 years.

Late ( the president of Belarus) . Lukashenko said that the “Independence of Belarus is the “tragedy “….

Next. -Alexander Lukashenko had the very many meetings in Moscow at 1993. (see down)

There are facts: 1994 start!!!

The president election. The Moscow had 2 candidates for the position “The president of the Republic Belarus”/ The “official Candidate by Moscow: V.Kebitch and the “the Candidate by the Russian KGB “--- Alexander Lukashenko.

There are facts: about the Russian transport with the agitation production for the “Candidate “ Alexander Lukashenko.

1994, Alexander Lukashenko is the President of the Republic of Belarus (July 1994)

BUT.! After 9 month his president power , Lukashenko made ILLEGAL referendum with the brutal violation of the Constitution of Belarus…

He made the illegal referendum, first of all, for the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE - the (first) state language for BELARUS ! 1995 year.

1996 All Kremlin power goes to Minsk to support his agent Alexander Lukashenko. And this agent made the “referendum” for the legitimise of his dictatorship. And the President Elcin said: “ Don’t take Lukashenko”-it is the open support for the Russian agent/

1997 -1999 the agent Lukashenko made different “internation agreements” with the Russia. The start for the “ deep Integration with the Russia”…..…..

--And. There is the information of the former deputy of the parliament of RB S.Navumchyk: “ the spring of 1993, it was Lukashenko who proposed to include in the agenda of the session of the Supreme Council (parliament) the issue of joining Belarus to the collective security system (CSTO), it is an involved of the country in the orbit of the military interests of the Moscow .

On August 26, 1993, the Moscow newspaper "Pravda" published an interview with Alexander Lukashenko under the title " Let reborn!" -- he called for the revival of the Soviet Union. "We need to start a movement towards a single normal state," – Lukashenko was persuading and he suggested starting the unification of Belarus and Russia: "We need to immediately create a single state from our two republics. Understand, this will be a powerful incentive for other peoples of the former USSR." AND.."The great Soviet Union was destroyed on our land,"-- Lukashenko said on the podium of the congress. His words "I am ready to craw on my knees to Russia" were met with applause from the hall. September 13, 1993

After same declarations , Lukashenko was accepted in Moscow as one of their own. At the autumn of 1993, together with the deputies of the pro-Kebic group "Belarus", he went to Moscow with several times, and each time the level of meetings was higher for Lukashenko!

Moscow began to look more closely at Lukashenko. And, it was not only in the Anti-Yeltsin State Duma, but also in the institution, which changed its name after 1991, but essentially remained the function. It has the location at the Lubonyanski Square.(KGB )”

AND ...After 2020... THERE IS THE TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF ALL THAT IS BELARUSIAN,,, IN BELARUS... And the alternative history for schoolchildren


Kremlin bandit made the declaration at 2009 ( and next at 2014 year)

The territory of the Russia is on the any territory with the Russian language” _ bandit V.Putin

V.Putin at 2023 year : “ Belarus has not the Belarusian language – there is the Russian language “” – for these declarations…. There is the silence by the Russian agent Lukashenko







Belarus today with the TORTURES , EVERY DAY !

    There more 5000 political prisoners ( 1496 with the opinion of AI)

CHILDREN , hundreds children of Belarus have not parents by the terrorist , the Russian agent Alexander Lukashenko. His dictatorship took the father or the mother and there are many case that the dictatorship took the father AND the mother … to the prison! Children saw the very drastic detention of parents by “”dogs”” of the dictatorship and children have the psychic problems…..





The Stalin-Hitler dictator Alexander Lukashenko continues to kill  Belarusian democratic activists in prison. Today. The victim of the Russian agent,Lukashenko, is the Ales Pushkin, the artist. The dictator court gave the prison for Ales Puskin, for his picture, the example of the history of the Belarusian resistance .\\\ The repression  every day  --it is the live of the Belarusian people...



More 5000 political prisoners… And the new methods for the tortures of the opposition in the prison ….The terrorist Lukashenko: “More and more REPRESSIONS…..” And the total pressing foe all that is Belarusian-- the etnocyd by the Russian agent Lukashenko!




 Today everyday the dictatorship special groups catch hold of citizens in  many towns end cities of Belarus. Democratic persons are beating and have the psychic tortures.

More 3000 politic prisoners !!!All Belarusian culture has the very danger with the hard repressions by the Russian agent Alexander Lukashenko. The dictatorship has the new law  the DEATH punishment for the resistance  against the dictatorship and the Russian OCCUPATION of BELARUS.



Local war forever? Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan ?
Theses about reasons and the future :


The first of all – Tajikistan has the DICTATORSHIP with the very bad economy.

Kyrgyzstan has non-stability democracy with the very strong infatuation of the tribalism.

The boarder: Kyrgyzstan -Tajikistan has not the finalisation of the agreement for the regulation.

The boarder problem has been made by the Russian communists of USSR .They didn’t adopte the opinion of habitants for the line of the boarder ( See others conflicts// I thinks : same boarders activity was the special policy of the Russian communists)

The result: There are the problem of an access to a water ; next - the territory for a cattle; next – the access to the roads and the typical ethnic problem for all History.

Why the war conflict was at this time? ……………………..

1)The dictator Rakhmon (Tajikistan) uses typical method: to create a new “problem” for masking the old problem: very weak economy of the state. 2) The Russian position is weak: Russian war in Ukraine, the war conflict of Azerbaijan -Armenia…..The Russia has not a possibility to control all post-USSR space… 3)Kyrgyzstan has ( all yet ) the political perturbations …..

and ( probably , Tajikistan has the support of the Iran) {Dr.ValeryHrytsuk, analyst )


Belarus.. VII  2022.


More than the North Korea ?

 There are 1260 political prisoners.  Very hard repressions are every day.  The special group” GUBAZIK” is the group of the GESTAPO of the dictator Lukashenko. The dictatorship of the terrorist Lukashenko tries to find everybody who has any protest activity and to isolate in the prison. Next method for more fear for al citizens : new sentences for political prisoners who are the criminal verdict and they are already in the prison…… The dictatorship of Lukashenko  has already criminal verdicts for all family with very small children… Why? The family used the Constitution right on the peaceful demonstration…. For the journalist normal work  is the new criminal article: the crime against the state ---   And  see :Belarus today--

                Political prisoner, the lawyer from the city  Dokshytsy, Olga Yaltsevich was sentenced to 2 years of the imprisonment under Art. 342 Part 2 of the Criminal Code ("Financing of actions that grossly violate public order") {the service of the terrorist Lukashenko: judge is Yevhen Bregan, the prosecutor is Yehor Kronda. }                         Olga Yaltsevich was accused that in 2020, in cooperation with "foreign funds", she helped pay fines and for  lawyers; for people who were punished for participating in protests against the dictatorship.

An activist from the city Navopolatsk was sentenced  next once  with three  verdict. The reason:  the  reposting texts against the dictatorship  in Internet.


   The journalist Ekaterina Andreeva was expected to be released in September 2022,                  after  2-year prison  (the punishment for streaming from a protest rally in Minsk) But now the journalist was convicted under the article "Treason to the State" and the new absurd  punishment (8 years)



To KILL, kill everybody! New “law” of terrorist Lukashenko – he will use for every cases !


It is the reality of the North Korea power in Belarus! The last motivation of the terrorist Lukashenko to make Belarus of the country the total hard fear!


Belarus-- STOP bandit Russia war!


here are the totalitarianism with the terrorist Lukashenko paradox.

This bandit Lukashenko says about the peace and the schools have the special lectures for the “peace”  BUT the terrorist police arrests the persons on the streets if they have the placate “STOP WAR ! “


AND --- very important !  All Belarusian Nation is against the war and Belarusian people doesn’t wishes to have the Belarusian army in Ukraine!------

But all states of the planet must know:

The bandit Russia with her terrorist army occupies  BELARUS.  But the dictator Lukashenko doesn’t “see” the violation of his “constitution”!           The Russian army  has different units for all territory of Belarus and uses all infrastructure of Belarus for her terroristic activity against Ukraine!for the bandit war in Ukraine. STOP the Russia!


the Belarusian Nation has the anniversary – 25.03.1918 -has been proclaimed the BELARUSIAN PEOPLE REPUBLIC !


For Hot


Why the democratic Kyrgyzstan “de-facto” supports the bandit Russia ?



The Appeal of NGOs of Europe to Russia ( draft) STOP WAR !


Russia ! See to the mirror !

На себя оборотись, соседка! Выйми бревно из своего глаза!


Russia !STOP  the War !  Stop the Lie !

You say about military unions… You say  about NATO -”come back” , but

you forget  his –ОДКБ--ODKB”and  (ШОС)?


The Russia start the war since 2014 year …. It is the direct aggression to  the Ukraine.


You say about the security but why the Russia starts and continues the very large military “training”.See the story (the list)  last training (2000-2022) with the real (non for the paper) honest quantity military units!


We see that the Russia has the tendency: more  frequency and more military units and more “military events” . It is the example of Russia only!


You say about the right of the “Russian language “ in Ukraine ….                                                                 But why your government elite says:” In all places where is the Russian language is the places of the Russia”!

 Why your citizen must self flame  for the defence of his language ?(the case of Dr.Albert Razin, Udmurtyia, Russia)

But there is the guaranty with the Constitution of Russia  { “Russians Constitution, Article19 and  Article 26.Everyone shall have the right to use his native language,..})


Why you ignore your Constitution ?

Why you don’t  protect Rights of citizens of the Russia in the Russia?


Why you don’t protect your Russian people in Turkmenistan ?


Why you don’t support your Russians from the Central Asia  to return  to the Russia with your self wishing , their desire “come back” ?


Why your mass-media and special groups in social networks distribute the lie on the every large scale  , distribute the hate ? But it  is the violation of OSCE standards !


You say  about the “power people” must be in others countries , first of in Ukraine…

But where is the “power people” in Russia?


Why the Russia support the power of the terrorist Alexander Lukashenko?

But the Belarusian people saw and said the Belarusian people wants to have his life without the dictator Lukashenko  by the people large peace protests at 2020 !


Why  the Russia support the brutal actions , murders , tortures  peace of people of Belarus by the dictator Lukashenko?                                                                                                                                 


After 1996 year. The Constitution of Belarus has the  Article 18 about the “neutrality”


But the Russia  makes his military training on the territory of Belarus every years more frequency  and with more quantity of his units that doesn’t support Belarus to be “neutrality”!

Why ? And there is the decision about the real occupation of Belarus with the Russian army.


What wants Russia?  Or the Russia is the Vladimir Putin , only ?

Where are citizens of  Russia with here numbers ethnic peoples ?


 We are permanent  participants of HDIM OSCE and we have the rights to have  answers  for questions to the state-member of OSCE.

We support all standards of OSCE ,  Human Rights  and the humanistic approach for all cases.

The peace must be for every body!


(***”ODKB” is the military union of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Tajikistan)


after 2021





Ne oublie pas les tortures dans BÉLARUS  (BIÉLORUSSIE)

  Le résultat de la dictature de terroriste Loukachenko, 2021:


En commençant une lutte avec des opposants politiques, la dictature a éliminé les structures de la société civile (NGOs) et essaie maintenant de détruire la dissidence en tant que telle.

Il y a les persécutions même pour "J'aime" sur les réseaux sociaux, les gens sont emprisonnés...

Les personnes qui sont embauchées par des entreprises et des institutions publiques

 vérifier l’activité  sur les réseaux sociaux et les téléphones (la personne  est  abonnée à des chaînes de télégrammes "extrémistes").


À l'école, les enfants sont encouragés à signaler à leurs parents s'ils ont un drapeau blanc-rouge-blanc. (le drapeau national )

La rhétorique des médias d'État  (la dictature) ont le ton de la presse stalinienne de 1937.

  Fin août 2020*** , la dictature . la Commission d'enquête a déclaré  que  il y a  reçu près de  5 000 appels (les TORTURES) de Biélorusses qui ont souffert aux mains des responsables de la « sécurité » de la dictature, après les élections de 2020. !!! Mais  il n’y a pas, aucun activité des procureures et a Commission d'enquête  pour les affaires pénales  contre les bandits de la dictature.


Mais !!!  il y a 4691  « d'affaires pénales » ont été ouvertes par la Commission d'enquête contre les participants des manifestations à le 2021!

*** Mais le pouvoir ne veut pas prendre le nouvelles  appels (les TORTURES)

Belarus under the fascists of the terrorist Alexander Lukashenko!

The   terrorist Lukashenko construct  the  war power –  JUNTA  in Europe.

There is the fact: any virus is the danger … Yes, we observe  and  our statement at HDIM OSCE  had the conclusion: the political  regimes of the dictatorship have a virus… But more,

there is the example the transmission the power-junta of  the dictatorship of Africa to Belarus.

The murder Lukashenko made men of the war ( KGB, police, army )  ministers  for civil structures. The colonel KGB is the chef of the National Academy of the Science ….. !!!!

Our conclusion: Today Belarus is the North Korea in Europe  has the confirmation  everyday.

We see : the dictatorship of the terrorist Lukashenko makes repression more large. You made the  “non-good” post in Internet, made  the “non-good lyke”--- go to the prison, etc.


Why have not HARD SANCTIONS for  the JUNTA  in Europe, in  BELARUS?

Stalin come back to Belarus…….

Today, Alexander Lukashenko, “fan” of Stalin and Hitler execute his “Plan” of total destruction of the opposition opinion in Belarus.

After the hard punishments of the activists of protests at 2020 … The killer  Alexander Lukashenko and his criminal band start deleting journalists and democratic NGOs… 13.07.2021 we see the start of “Stalin operation” and we see that the dictator -killer Lukashenko makes Belarus to the North Korea. 61 NGOs (124 NGOs yet next  )  are closed. Only at 2021( I  to VI): 4691 criminal offences for peace citizens of Belarus …. The work of independent journalist (in Belarus) is finished….

And WHAT the West?   Yes. There is the next Declaration…….

We remember the very big catastrophe at 1986
, 26 APRIL! ! !


It is the DAY important for BELAEUSIAN PEOPLE .!. ......

First of all , we remember :more 1,5 millions victims: illnesses different, the trauma psychological, total transformation of the life; radioactive territory            ( almost 1\4 of all territory of Belarus) We remember!                                                 The dictator Lukashenko ignore the Catastrophe in Chernobyl ! He makes territory “clear’ by his “dekret” ! ……………..

 But today, after 9/08/2020 , we have other Catastrophe: 7 killed men (hard proof) , more 35000 peoples had  the repressions, more 2300 criminal offences – people in prison! And EVERY DAY – TORTURES physic and psychic !

Today, we have “news”:  FSB of Vladimir Putin and KGB fabricated “terrorist act against Lukashenko”” – it is the “reason” for more big , total, Stalin -1937, repressions!  The people of Belarus need your help!



The conclusion: The Belarusian people have the 2 catastrophes: Atomic station and    Alexander Lukashenko. He  is the very  “radioactive” danger!



BELARUS  after 200 days of the fight against the dictatorship
Alexander Lukashenko……………………………………………….



Belarusian people have protests after false elections (9/08/2020). But the murder Alexander Lukashenko directs mass and hard repressions -- against peaceful people of Belarus, against Belarusian Nation !

There are 302 political prisoners and we see next prisoners after unfair trials for more 1000 crime charges .After 9/08/2020 , there are 32 000 victims, 6 persons have been killed by the dictatorship  of Alexander Lukashenko! This dictator in the Europe, he said:» There is NOT the law”(in Belarus). “The repressive forces have do very hard!” (with the very absurd  offences) . Today, the dictatorship fights against color- RED!  And, and ………………………………….

And more: reading Belarusian books has the punishment!

There is the general tool of the dictatorship: the big FEAR for all Belarusian people. Repressions are every day!

 But , there are Belarusian protests ,every day, with very different forms…

The fights for the Liberty, for the Democracy are continued….


The bandit Alexander Lukashenko starts the “North Korea variant”

The massive attack of the dictatorship of Lukashenko to civil society: dogs of the bandit Lukashenko come in to offices, homes of journalists, Human Rights defenders, independent profession union etc. 90 cases for Belarus! (16.II.21)

258 POLITICAL PRISONERS ,,, and NEWS:  2 JOURNALISTS of TV belsat – 2 year prison for the journalist job! 

There is the panic life of the dictatorship in Belarus.

The absurd  in hard punishments for protestants , for persons who are against the dictator, bandit Alexander Lukashenko. Only criminal offences.

The prison:   7, 5 , 4  years with absurd criminal charges. The example: 4 year in the prison –for: “Il waved hand  and foots”( without any “victims” in policmen)

Next persecutions for the color : white and red on the dress on any things 

.S. RFERL underlined the fact: there is non any proportional (for the crime) punishment: if the official killed the man -- 2,6 years restriction of his freedom           ( non the prison) BUT , if the oppositionist (against the bandit Lukashenko) made the  throw the flower to the “OMON” (dogs of the dictator) -- 4 years in the PRISON.

Next: There is the project for the “extremisme law”” – any protestant is the extremist!---“North Korea variant”








Please your attention!


Le dictatorship goes to the attack brutal……

226 politics prisoners, more 2000 new criminal offences ,

new tortures…. and new absurd  persecutions….

Le Dictator, le bandit Alexander  Lukashenko has the “Plan” to do for all Belarus, for Belarusian people, Hitler camp!



BELARUS, January

New repressions, new trial spectacles and new victims. 176 political prisoners,

Belarus: there is the  absolute  ignorant  the   law by  the dictatorship (it is  the law by the dictator with the official procedure)!  The power uses the “opinion” only for the persecution peace democratic people.  The persecution on the absurd chargeit is everyday activity of dogs of the dictator Lukashenko. Exemples: The appeal of medicine workers in INTERNET: STOP tortures – it is the violation of the “law” – it is the “picket” !!! The flag RED-WHITE-RED inside the home, on the window –it is the “picket’!!!  ….  The walk in the forest with friends – it is the DEMONSTRATION against “power” !  AND MORE others absurd of crazy power of the bandit Loukashenko.



Next steps crazy dictator : persecutions and the punishment for WHITE-RED-WHITE color ! And 159 persons politic in prison


Et pour FRANCE encore   !!!

La fou dictature de Loukachenko  interdit...  et donne les amendes pour la FLEUR   !

Les bandits de criminel Loukachenko poursuivent les citoyens de Bélarus (« Biélorussie » – non bien) if ils utilisent les objets avec le couleur :BLANC- ROUGE-BLANC.L’exemple telle absurde : Minsk, le cour a donne l’amende à la mère des 3 enfants petits. Elle a le store avec blanc-rouge-blanc dans son logement !!!

Les « chiens » de bandit Loukachenko  prennent les personnes  ,chaque, qui promène pres de son maison ou il va  à la magasin, etc. Il y la PLAN : arrêter  autant les personnes pour ce jour !


Aujourd’hui Bélarus a 158 emprisonnes politiques par le dictateur Loukachenko.

(vu ici--

32 000 citoyens de Bélarus ont passes  par les prisons de la dictature de Loukachenko et 133 jours des protestations de peuple... pour "Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité".... et.....

BELARUS. Bandits of Alexander Lukashenko continue very hard repressions after mass peaceful protest of the Belarusian people. And total tortures

After 22 November –more 30 000 detained Belarusian persons : they are in the prison or they were in the prison. There are more 2000 facts (documents) of tortures for the prosecutor offices without any activity of the power. AND -- There are 1150 peaceful Belarusian persons with criminal persecutions by the dictatorship.  7 killed . Last (Mr.Bondarenko) with very brutal manner.

We see the bandit Alexander Lukashenko is crazy man.There are more hundred persons who were very hard beating by men without any signs / Victims need the medicine support. \\\\ There is the report of  OSCE about  president elections  in Belarus. The conclusion: total falsifications and total repressions by the power. The President of Belarus didn’t elected. Alexander Lukashenko is not the president. His is the crazy bandit – same Gestapo.






The president –elect of Belarus Sviatlana Cikhanowskaya said  that



BELARUS, 57days protests by democratic people in Minsk and others cities of Belarus. Bandits of the dictator Lukashenko detained more 13 000 Belarusian democrats for imprisoning and tortures. 77 politic prisoners by AI in Belarus at today.  There are very many (thousands) victims of tortures of bandits of Lukashenko .  There are more 300 applications (tortures) to the prosecutor offices. But these offices don’t work for Human Rights. These offices  work for persecutions to democratic people only, for criminal Lukashenko.




The dictatorship of Lukashenko stops all work of  journalists of democratic West!

We see the dictatorship of the bandit Lukashenko. it is the typical  bandit  criminal group with art.7. of the Rome Statute.


    and  today


Belarus, VII -2020

 The dictator Lukashenko  starts the method to stop the electoral revolution: “Belarus has the threat  by “army Vagnera” for the destabilization of the power in Belarus’”



 The dictator Lukashenko  starts the method to stop the electoral revolution: “Belarus has the threat  by “army Vagnera” for the destabilization of the power in Belarus’”





There is the very interesting tendencies (facts): “states with the DICTATORSHIP  have not virus (COVID19). We know statements of the dictator of the North Korea , the dictator of Belarus, of the dictator of Turkmenistan……………………………


 The  information. (after 13.07.2020) The dictator Berdymukhamedov   adopted the delegation of WHO . The chair of WHO  has the statement : there is not “virus”. BUT>  If there is not any virus , WHY   special methods*** of the protection of the health have to be in Turkmenistan everyday , with very hard restrictions for everyday life, for everybody?

There is the very interesting position of WHO …. We see the new case of the corruption or the chair of WHO didn’t was very … after China ?

*** The government  distribution the explication for using masks everyday: THRE IS VERY HIGH LEVEL a DUST  !!!!.//// There is the information after 29.07: Turkmenistan has very many deaths 




 Belarus has the spectacle:”Elections for the President”

There are the drastic detentions for peace people by the dictatorship.

There are the persecutions of citizens for using their constitution Rights, for Human Rights. The result for May: 195 men have—719 days and nights in the prison; more 60000 rub (~ 20 000 euro) - financial persecutions.

European Union made the appeal: the Liberty for Belarusian people – stop for detentions! \\\\   BUT ….There are next detentions for next days…



The dictator Lukashenko wants  to have “vote day” at  9.08.2020 and he starts large repressions, unlawful trial at this time are continue .,,, He have the big fear that people will make a boycott for “vote day” and will start street protests….

The dictatorship stop for initiative groups of citizens (stop for 40 from 55)



There is not the word – there is not the problem ( same the method of Stalin).


Dictatorships have not problems with the epidemical situation.                                     Berdymukhamedov (Turkmenistan) bans the word “virus”: Lukashenko doesn’t see the opportunity for restrictions of the public (everyday) life: go to football matches, etc… More , he said:  I see the epidemic psychosis” . But, Belarus has ~ 20 000 epidemical cases for 9.5 mln. people!  Next dictators use same methods. The dictator Rakhmon (Tajikistan) has more big task: more power for his son .(the son is the chair of the senate) He doesn’t see the epidemic situation. The dictator Vladimir  Putin is the big  coward  -- he self hided  in  a “burrow”. And next important problem is in dictatorships: there is not the trust information about the epidemical situation….


Elections spectacles in the dictatorship states.



Election to the “Parliament” have been false. Numeric violations of the election law have been fixed by independent observers .The party of the dictator Rakhmon has all parliament. The legal opposition party “Social-Democratic party” has not deputies.. The spectacle “elections “ had the end at 1 mars 2020.


At February.The dictator Aliev made the spectacle “Election “ to the “parliament”. All elections processes had the total falsification. The dictatorship stopped opposition protests with the brutal manner .All opposition leaders have been detained, more 100 activists of the opposition have the hard repression.




 9.02.2019 The dictator Aliev made the spectacle “elections to the parliament”



There is the information that the “parliament “ will have 1 (one)  opposition  “deputy”--  It is the skill  of the dictator of Belarus : in the Belarusian “parliament” were 2 opposition ”deputies” .



BELARUS. The dictator of Belarus , Lukashenko doesn’t SALE (again) Belarus to the imperial Russia. But the dictator Putin bans the traffic of the oil to Belarus. The occupant Vladimir Putin wants  to make pressing Lukashenko more.\\\Belarus needs the alternative way of the oil. What is the West?



Russsia. Putin propositions for his new power are not  the problem for his “Belarusian Plan”   We see the very danger for the Independency of Belarus by the Putin Russia? WHAT IS the  WEST?




President Mirziyev comme back to the dictatorship?

There is the project of a law for new very hard criminal offence for an appeal to meetings without a permission of the power. It is an approach for the Internet appeal also.


BELARUS. 8 DECEMBER… IT IS THE START FOR THE END of the STATE OF Belarus?  The dictator (parasite*) Alexander Lukashenko  will have the meeting with the dictator-bandit Putin …. Lukashenko have to signer the new AGREEMENT  for “deep integration of Belarus  to Russia”.   It is the very important decision but the people of Belarus  don’t’ see  documents for this agreement. The dictator Lukashenko likes to says : ‘the people , the people…” But the citizens of Belarus have not any influence to the power in Belarus. After November illegal elections to the formal parliament there are not any opposition deputy – all  “deputies” have been tacked from the List of the dictator Lukashenko. \\\\ Alexander Lukashenko  is the typical parasite on the Russia--- he wants the money of Russia for his power without the reforms in Belarus, without effective economy. He thinks that the liberal economy is the danger for his power. Today the dictator Lukashenko has the total control in Belarus in each sector of the life of Belarus.




Vilnius  (Vilna )22-24 November  --Who was  Kastus Kalinouski ? Why He is the very important symbol for contemporary Belarusian people ? Belarusian democrats and all patriotic people wait 8 December with the fear…. The dictator of Russia, Vladimir Putin wants  to have the first step of the annexation of Belarus  with the economical chain….It was the real occupation of Belarus  by the Russian imperialism . The Belarusian man, Kastus Kalinouski was the famous combatant against the Russian imperialism at 1863 -1864 years. He has been killed by the Russia and his body has been hided.  22.11.2019 –Kastus Kalinouski had the ceremony of the reburial with other 1863 Uprising leaders.



After 27.07.2019--03.08.2019  --- ……. Putin Russia



BELARUS—2011 AND RUSSIA-2019.We see the dictator Putin repeats the action of the dictator Lukashenko at 2011. At election time, the big protest of Russian democrats, the police of the dictator detained near 1000 democratic persons  at  03.08.2019 

in Moscow. And illegal trials  hold…



BELARUS—2010 AND RUSSIA-2019.We see the dictator Putin repeats the action of the dictator Lukashenko at 2010. At election time, the big protest of Russian democrats, the police of the dictator detained near 1000 democratic persons. Very many persons were bitten with the hard way. 27.07.2019 , Moscow, the protest of democratic people for “Right to free elections” and  1340 detained persons and hundreds victims . Today , the next repression of the power, trials for democratic persons. We see the fear of the dictator Putin  and the wakening of people of Moscow…..\\\\\Article 3 – Right to free elections

The High Contracting Parties undertake to hold free elections at reasonable intervals by  secret ballot, under conditions which will ensure the free expression of the opinion of the people in the choice of the legislature.

Kazakhstan 2019

Nursultan Nazarbaev is not the President of Kazakhstan AND large opposition demonstrations --- there are 950 persons to a prison


RUSSIA starts the economic war for a destroy of Belarusian economy  and the annexation of  BELARUS


Belarus ,April 2019. The treat of  an annnexation of Belarus  with the imperialistic Russia   hang above  Belarus ,  but le dictator Lukashenko starts massive repressions .The Belarusian persons demonstrated patriotic actions , but  participants of their actions have the punishment by the dictator Lukashenko. 

The Russian agent Lukashenko said: ”The Russian language is our home (natural ) language” and he said that Belarus (?)  doesn’t need to have the Belarusian University ( with Belarusian language and Belarusian trust history)  --  the total manipulation and the lie by the dictator.


10 years for the EASTERN PARTNERSHIP. The dictator Lukashenko ignore  the anniversary  and he want only money of EU  without European values.


=The president of Kazakhstan (soft dictator) N.Nazarbaev is out, but he is in the policy



Belarus. Alexander Lukashenko   jumped to the Power  with a criticism of the Corruption at 1994, Today,2018 year, he  sees the absolute crash of his struggle against the corruption. The chair of KGB,V.Vakulichyk , demonstrated facts of the total corruption for every sphere of the economy of Belarus. It is the end of the lie of the dictator Lukashenko  ,the lie for his” struggle”. We see the next FACT : the dictatorship cannot have the successes for the struggle against a corruption The dictatorship self born the corruption!


The last facts for daughters of the dictator of Azerbaijan, I.Aliev, ( and for Russia) confirm the conclusion about the hard connection: a dictatorship with a corruption. (see “Azerbaijan”) 





Near 200 citizens of Karakalpakstan are disappeared before the planning demonstration at 31.08.2018 {25.09}

HOT in Belarus
! The next persecution for democrats.


The “judge “ of the dictator Lukashenko  (Maryna Fedorova ) has given  4 years of restriction for the freedom  for leaders of Independent trade-union, GENADZ FEDYNICH  and IGAR KOMLIK. (24.08.2018)


And …The  police  of the dictatorship  arrested   representatives of the Opposition who were at the building of the trial for the support Genadz Fedynich  and Igar Komlik) \\\ The new Dialog of  EU – te dictator Lukashenko has “fiasco” .


!  Dictators: Maduro, Erdogan, Putin… Lukashenko and …



All dictators want to have the control total  for mass-media and to destroy or to repress independent mass-media. The dictator Alexander Lukashenko  starts (7.08) the war against  information portals of Belarus: Belapan and and the journalist of , Mr. Pauliuk Bykouski. Journalists , workers of redactions have been arrested . There is the crime offence: art.349 p.2 of the crime cod .  

EU and CoE see the repression and the political motivation for this case!

 This case is the next falsification case by the dictatorship to have the hard power in the state.



The Appeal of
The Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety



The IRFS demands that the authorities of Azerbaijan stop the persecution of their critics and their families, and the immediate and unconditional release from prison of journalists Mehman Huseynov, Afgan Mukhtarly, Seymur Hezi, Nijat Aliyev, Araz Guliyev, Fikrat Ibishbeyli, Elchin Ismayilli, Ziya Asadli and Arshad Ibragimov, bloggers Rashad Ramazanov and Ilkin Rustamzade, the graffiti activists Giyas Ibrahimov and Bayram Mammadov as well as the satirical poet Tofig Hasanov.


contact us on the e-mails:  or via phone +41 78 878 84


Human Rights are not for KAZAKHSTAN



Former chairmanship of OSCE violated Human Right and his obligation of OSCE. 

The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 7,Article 9,Article 10,Article 18—first of all; and  all OSCE documents: SINCE “HELSINKI 1975…. Copenhagen1990 to Istanbul 1999 and others…


10 April the policemen arrested more 100 democratic person , who protested against the prison persecutions , at Astana and Alma-Ata.



11 April Azerbaijan, the dictatorIlham Aliyev makes the “election” for Ilkham Alyev. Today we see large brutal repressions in Azerbaijan by the dictator Ilham Aliyev.

All democratic states must say: Azerbaijan has the dictatorship by Ilham Aliyev Aliev and SANCTIONS for the dictatorship!

BELARUS 25.03.1918- 25.03.2018

The dictator of Belarus , the agent of Moscow,Lukashenko, saw his power: the next repressions to the Belarusian opposition, more 100 Belarusian democrats are in prison after the “action” of the dictatorship at 25.03.\\\\ 25.03.2018 has been made the declaration of Belarusian People Republic (BNR). All neighboring states have the Anniversary how the state action: 100 year! The dictator Lukashenko doesn’t see the National Anniversary for BNR! (He is the agent of Moscow). ………………..

But he gave the 1 place in Minsk for the Anniversary of the Belarusian opposition: the zone of opposition for 5 hours – the temporary zone of the Freedom. But – over this zone – the typical repressions by the dictatorship.


BELARUS – February , 2018 13.02. is the start voting … the end at 18.02.


Slowly and without any sensation is the local election company.

The dictatorship of Lukashenko doesn’t wishes to have democratic deputies in “self-government” councils … Belarus has the “vertical” of power of the dictator Lukashenko without the real self-government. The people don’t believe that any real elections are possible in Belarus.   


On 3 February journalist and human rights activist Dilmurod Saidov (Sayyid) was released from prison early – for many this is yet another sign that things are changing in Uzbekistan. In his first interview after his release, Dilmurod told journalists that he had been subjected to psychological and physical torture in prison. In order for the new authorities to really demonstrate their commitment to upholding international human rights obligations, it is important to ensure that all allegations of torture and other ill-treatment are investigated effectively, and that those responsible are brought to justice.



December >News from the dictatorships: Soldiers of Turkmenistan are hungry forever —the state of Berdymukhamedov has not money. \Russia has the new budget with big money for military actions.\ The president of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziaev made the act of pardon for 2700 prisoners it is the step to Human Rights. It is the first same “step in the History of Uzbekistan. \ Belarus has new free-visa cases after 01.01.2018: 10 days free in Brest and Hrodna. Welcome for citizens of 77 states.\\\ Happy New Year without a dictatorship! 




The dictator Berdymukhamedov has not money for the army. Soldiers of Turkmenistan are hungry. They send: “Help me” to their parents. The state of the dictatorship has the big economy crisis.


 After people protest actions at March-April 2017 , the power made the conclusion: to do the prevention repressions.

Today Belarus has the first crime charge against the independent triad-union (REP) with the chairman, Genadz Fedynich.   This democratic organization supported the protest people. AND ,we see trials for democratic persons who had the picket actions at July.\\\\ The dictatorship waits new protest actions of peoples at September.

 WHAT  WEST ?  What European Union  and Mr.Bogdan Zdroewski (MEP)?



The dictator of Turkmenistan (Гурбангулы Бердымухамедов) made the END for the “good life”: today, using the water, the electricity, the gas needs a payment. It is the next step of the dictator at the economy catastrophe of Turkmenistan.



The dictator Lukashenko confirm (at 21.04) : repressions forever!! What is West!?




The Polish delegation was is in Belarus, Minsk.  The Polish power say about “principles” (zasadach- pol.)… What is the principle of Polish delegation after hard repressions by the dictatorship to Belarusian democrats after 25 March ( and all March)?  Today situation in Belarus is the same situation after 19.12.2010!  What wants Poland ? New selling ( same all History of Poland) of Belarusian peoples for Polish private business ? 



The dictatorship of Lukashenko starts new kidnapping: there is the any contact with Mikalay Statkievich   for 3 days. \\\\ HARD SANCTION , HARD, without the children games, for the dictator Lukashenko and his bandits !

Tsunami repressions in  BELARUS  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 For trust Belarusian people  25.03 – is the Day of the Freedom, the Day of the proclamation of Belarusian People Republic at 25.03.1918.

Trust Belarusian people had the plan to hold the peace demonstration in Minsk and other cities and towns. The dictator Lukashenko ( Russian man) with militia (policemen) force stops the peace demonstration and has arresting  more 9 0 0  of  trust Belarusian men and women


Mr.Rigony! Haw many money you have by the dictator Lukashenko for your closed eyes ?


16.ІІІ.The dictatorship starts large repressions. After people protests in the regional towns (and Minsk) – we see more 80 arrests ( and the detaining) of leaders and journalists.  

Republic  Belarus or “Gubernia* Belorussia” ? ? ? ……………………….


It is the name of the seminar of Polish experts for Belarusian Affairs in “OSW”, Polish studies centre . The former ambassador of RP in Belarus Leszek Szarepko had his speech about “Belarusian situation.”  General conclusions: Lukashenko policy is in the frame of Russian policy and transforms Belarusian people to Russian people. Russia starts the information war against Belarus. Belarus has the real death threat by Russia.  (Crimea is…. Belarus will be next ?)

*  -Gubernia --  the region of Russia.



We had our statement about “Tajikistan is the dictatorship” at 2003 year…  It was the mistake—at 2003. But , today Tajikistan is the dictatorship!

Why?  First of all, there is the special law for the “Leader of Nation”, there is the punishment for person who makes an insult of the Rakhmon (Leader of Nation”) and we see the large actions of persecutions of opposition activists ……

P.S. We (IAIDaAR)   said that the dictatorship is the political AIDS at 2003 year.

And we see: it is the truth today.

Our Apppeal to OSCE:

1-08-2016,Warsaw, Poland , representatives of the dictatorship “parliaments” ( BELARUS and AZERBAIJAN)  are in the Polish parliament. What is it ? It is SALE the democratic values by the power of Poland ?



Take action: Click against torture in Central Asia


Participate in our quick online action to support victims of torture in Central Asia and share the action with your friends
To mark this year’s United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, International Partnership for Human Rights (Belgium) and Central Asian human rights groups launched an online action that will run until the end of July 2016.
- See more at:


Amnesty International has signed a joint letter with other human rights groups and media organizations to mark the one year anniversary of the disappearance and subsequent imprisonment in Turkmenistan of freelance journalist Saparmamed Nepeskuliev. Saparmamed Nepeskuliev, a photojournalist who had worked for Alternative News Turkmenistan and for Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, disappeared while on a work trip in early July 2015 (see Urgent Action: ‘Turkmenistan – Freelance journalist’s whereabouts unknown’, EUR 61/2229/2015).



Turkmenistan: End Enforced Disappearances

“Prove They Are Alive!” campaign calls upon the government of Turkmenistan

to shed light on the fate of dozens who have been imprisoned for more than a decade

For information on the Prove They Are Alive! campaign, please visit:

For information on the disappeared, please visit:

See: Turkmenistan




EU STOPPED SANCTIONS BUT the DICTATOR Lukashenko continues REPRESSIONS! 28.01, the journalist Pavel Dabravolski, HR activists Maksim Shycik and Pavel Siargey have been beaten by the police of Lukashenko.  20.12.2015-The student Kastus Achramenka has been beaten  by the police of Lukashenko.  The reason ? He spiked in Belarusian language on the street of Minsk city , the capital of Belarus. Belarusian graffitists have been punished .

Vadzim Zheromski, MaksimPiekarski, Viacheslau Kasinerau  made the graffiti on the old wall . It was: “Belarus must be Belarusian!” the DICTATOR Lukashenko continues the discrimination for all Belarusian ! The last example: the brutal attack of the newspaper “Belarusian military newspaper” (edited by the Ministry of the defense  in Russian language ) to the activity of Belarusian patriot youth . All state structures use the Russian language   and more … The notary office in Minsk  writes that Belarusian language  is  the foreign language! 

the DICTATOR Lukashenko adopted “the China method” for Internet control!

OSCE:”President election was not democratic”


The cruel regime ruling in Azerbaijan, a country with more than 100 political prisoners, is well-known to the world. This authoritarian policy paves the way for emergence of a great number of religious groups of Iran, Russia and Arabian countries in Azerbaijan, development of terrorism and religious fanaticism and collapse of the civil society.

 But EU “frozen sanctions” for Belarus (for 4 months)! Why? There are not  the political prisoners ? Yes. --Today. What are proposals of Belarus for “liberalization” ? – Nothing.  What wants EU for Belarus? – Nothing!  The action ““frozen sanctions” – is the action for the action ONLY.




 01.11.2015 Azerbaijan. It was the next spectacle of the dictatorship. The dictator Aliev made the “Aliev parliament”. It is not the parliament !


The dictator Lukashenko and the dictator Putin had the same song at UN, New-York.
“All problem in the World  -- it is the activity of the democratic West”

 But the economy in the Belarus and Russia ( in the dictatorship)  go down…. without West support

The dictator Lukashenko supports of Russian military occupation to Belarus.



 Permanent repressions for democratic people in Azerbaijan !

European Union ? Do you see it or NOT ?

SOS. Help!

Azerbaijan, Next tortures for  Leyla Yunus   and Arif  Yunus in the PRISON.

 SOS !!!  Drastic Human Rights VIOLATIONS!

   Leyla  and Arif  Yunus, prisoners

 of the dictator Aliev,  need the medicine support urgent! 



EU  ! Your support for  Leyla and Arif Yunus!

Baku’ curt starts the trial for democrats  Leyla  and Arif  Yunus.

They have the very big health problems.

The dictator Aliev  continues Stalin’ method.

Следующее заседание суда назначено на 27 июля.

 The next trial will be at 27 July.


EU—BELARUS to EU!    EU must adopted the next decision about „visa ban” or „not visa ban” for the foreign minister of the dictator Lukashenko ---Mr.Makey.The suspension of his visa  (travel)ban decision  was in 24 June 2013.WHAT is the effect of the activity Mr.Makey for Human Rights in Belarus?


WHAT is the effect of the activity Mr.Makey for moving of the Democraty in Belarus?




The FACT by the crazy Vladimir Putin. He said that the incorporation former republics of USSR  with  the military and the economic pressure  of  the aggressive Russia  is the same joint (Union) of European Union ( from Corriere della Sera )

The dictator Putin said: “

Because it is all right when integration takes place in Europe, but if we do the same in the territory of the former Soviet Union, they try to explain it by Russias desire to restore an empire. I dont understand the reasons for such an approach.

 The dictatorship Azerbaijan,  the dictatorship Belarus and the authoritarian  Armenia contra International Law, contra the Peace.  They don’t see  the  annexation Ukrainian  Crimea and Sevastopol by Russia.


Riga summit didn’t give arguments  for the priority of International law and Human Rights. And more. We see the end for the EU program “”Eastern Parnership”. The dictatorship need the West money only.

The dictator Lukashenko hopes to have West money for the support “The Independency of Belarus” . STOP ! Belarus has not the independency and  will not have with the dictator Lukashenko. He is the Russian agent in Belarus only. Stop for the support the dictatorship of Belarus.!!! Don’t  believe the  Lukashenko courtesan Mme Kupchina!


 13 May Andijan –Uzbekistan  2005

 The dictator Karimov forces killed  hundreds of peaceful , unarmed people who stood up against government policy.

More  than 1000   people were killed . Women , children…..


 SOS !!!  Drastic Human Rights VIOLATIONS!


 Rasul DJAFAROV and  Intigam ALIYEV are in the prison!


Dear Sirs, participants of HDIM OSCE!


You know  Mr.Jafarov and   Mr.Aliyev…….


Human Rights Club

39 Zardabi avenue, apt. 40; AZ1063 Baku; Azerbaijan




Tel: +994-50-586 35 37

Fax: +994-12-598 45 19


Legal Education Society, Sh. Azabeyov 199/7; Baku; Azerbaijan

Mr. Intigam ALIYEV, President


Tel: +994-12-498 81 75, +994-50-204 70 10,Fax: +994-12-449 81 92


Today Human Rights Defender, Mr. Intigam ALIYEV  is in the prison of the dictator  of Azerbaijan !  The judgment of   trial of the dictatorship: 7.5 years imprison for the advocate of victims of the dictatorship.  Mr. Intigam ALIYEV  is not the political opposition activist . He was , he is the defender of the European principle for Human Rights.  Mr. Intigam ALIYEV  has 200 successful , positive decisions in ECHR on the Human Rights violation by the dictatorship of Azerbaijan!   Do you see  -- 200  effective applications! 

 It is the reason and the “argument” for the prison “life” of Mr.Aliev!


PACE !!!

Dear the President PACE, Ms.Anne Brasseur !!!

Where is your voice for Azerbaijan?

It is you said:                                                     

“Human rights, democracy and the rule of law know no borders and never should.”

Do you remember the chairmanship of Azerbaijan in CoE ???????


The Human Rigts Defender Rasul Djafarov has 6,5 year of  the prison by the dictatorship of  Azerbaijan.




Dictators forever
……………..  Nursultan Nazarbayev goes to the end...


Kazakhstan today

26.04.2005 ---- the spectacle “President’s elections” was  in Kazakhstan.

„97.5%” votes citizens were  „za”  , for Nursultan Nazarbayev.

He has the power since 1991 .

The dictator Nazarbayev has 74 ages old.

But the dictator promises economic reforms for the modernization of the economy.

Kazakhstan’ Pinochet ?


There are not free media, there are not  a free opposition activity in Kazakhstan.

Leaders of the opposition are in prisons. Other Human Rights activities  have persecutions every day.



We support  CANADA --Vladimir Putin is the TERRORIST!


The aggressor Vladimir Putin said “for peoples” by TV-conference : we have Ok! 

He said’:” Russia doesn’t wants the war in Ukraine”. The KGB-lie.  Every day Russia gives a new and new weapons , new arms to Russian terrorists in Ukraine (Donbas)  and  supports terrorist acts in different cities of Ukraine.

The dictator Vladimir Putin said the Russian economy is good. NO! The  Russian government  wishes to find   new financial resources. The government needs to hold a pension reform---for budget money only. Peoples of Russia will have a new age limit for the pension. The death  before the pension.

New economic sanctions for Russia ! Push and push!



The dictator Karimov forever—29.03.2015 – the vote day for the formal procedure “president election”. It is the next spectacle for the West only.  Uzbecistan has not elections with the standards of OSCE. Uzbekistan has not the opposition

But opposition initiatives holds the virtual president election with Internet .

The terrorist, Putin-Russia,
doesn’t execute “Minsk agreements”….Russian military activity in Ukraine is continuing. . And more, Russia demonstrates that Russian army has the opportunity for the large war.  The last Russian politic decision is the signal for West : Russia can goes to West with Russian tanks. What waits the West?  Russian Hitler--- Putin, he is the Hitler-38 today.   There is the end for West dreams.    All members-states of EU are the responsibility for WW III  ………………! ! !  Do you know about 1938! 

 Do you know about 1939 !  Only very hard economic sanctions for the terrorist-Russia and the military support for Ukraine!!! TODAY!

The West ! Don’t believe the dictator-aggressor Vladimir Putin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Putin wants the war in Ukraine non-stop! It is crazy Putin!

 Only real activity of the West will STOP  Putin and the crazy Russians!

Maximal economic sanctions for  the aggressive Russia  
and the maximal support for Ukraine


“Minsk-2 agreement” is the paper only today.  To press and pushing on Putin is the approach for  the realization of “agreement”.

Not money for the  European businessmen – the peace for Ukraine and for Europe!

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