The international association of independent democrats against authoritarian regimes.
Working session 3: Democratic institutions, including:– Democracy at the national, regional and local levels,– Democratic elections
There are dictatorship states: AZERBAIJAN, BELARUS,
and again , sorry, UZBEKISTAN.
KAZAKHSTAN has the authoritarian system again.
But we hope UZBEKISTAN and KAZAKHSTAN have the way of the opportunity to the DEMOCRACY.
Dictatorships have not Democratic elections. It is the absolute truth !
Citizens in the dictatorships states have not the opportunity for the fair voting and the free participating in the election processes.
We have elections spectacles in next dictatorships: AZERBAIJAN, KAZAKHSTAN, RUSSIA and for the decoration of the dictatorship of Lukashenko, the election spectacle: ”parliament elections” for 17 November.
We propose to have your attention to next issues :
AZERBAIJAN. The dictator Ilkham Aliev showed : he is the Law!
The dictator appointed the election spectacle AND this spectacle was 11 April for his new dictator time.
The dictator Ilkham Aliev wants to be the sultan !
He (with the fake Constitution, art.101) called extraordinary elections of the president of Azerbaijan, before more 6 month of his term, without any reason.
It is for 210 days before the normal term with the law.
We see the next violation of the democratic legislation and democratic rules. The elections (at April ) didn’t have the democratic , not fair elections.
The dictator Aliev continues repressions for the democratic people.
And remember. The wife of the dictator is the vice –president !
After the resignation of Nazarbaev, Kazahstan had elections at 9 June.
But elections were not democratic elections. Kazakhstan had very large democratic protests. More 4 000 persons have been detained and next 1 000 have been punished with non fair trials.
The new president Kasym Tokaev doesn’t show his democratic way !
We remember the chairmanship of Kazakhstan at 2010 and his declaration about a way to the Democracy…
But what is the way, with China way or the West Democracy way ?
For this state we see that the dictator Vladimir Putin is the good pupil of the dictator Lukashenko.***
Election spectacle in Russia was at September and had the many protest actions by democratic people… and hard repressions by the power.
The dictator Lukashenko doesn’t respects his Constitution with next time..
Lukashenko appointed “elections” to the fake parliament at 17 November, this year. It is the very hard violation of the Constitution: Articles .93, 94, 95.
There are very hard conditions with the Constitution for to stop the activity of the “parliament”. Today Belarus has not same conditions.
And we see minus 10 months for the work of the “parliament” !
This violation of the dictator Lukashenko makes the big Human Rights problem for yang people, also .
After 17 November, after next 10 month the very many young people will have rights citizens ,the right of the participation in elections.
But, at 17 November they have not this right again !
The young student made the application to Minsk court for the trial:
she waits the judgment for the illegal order of the dictator Lukashenko for the date of elections.
But the first court of the dictator made the rejection of the application.
We see the election spectacle in Belarus has the start with violations of the legislation And more , the power continues violations of the legislation.
We SUPPORT USA PROPOSITION for the role of civil society and the right to a fair trial.
The dictator Vladimir Putin uses Belarus how the experimental polygon for his system decisions since 2000 year.
He looks to the activity of the dictator Lukashenko and … next , Putin changes the state system s of Russia. We see examples for “self-governments”, for the direction of mass-media, for the method of mass repressions , repressions to NGOs etc.
Please, remember: Tajikistan will have elections at 2020 year.
The international association of independent democrats against authoritarian regimes.
Working session 5 (specifically selected topic): Safety of journalists
There are dictatorship states: AZERBAIJAN, BELARUS,
and again today UZBEKISTAN.
KAZAKHSTAN has the authoritarian regime.
Dictatorships have NOT any Safety of journalists.
More, all independent journalists have persecutions for all time.
Dear participants!
Today , I ask your attention to Azerbaijan.
The delegation Azerbaijan said that Emin Huseynov has not the citizenship of Azerbaijan!
But , first of all, the dictatorship of Azerbaijan annulated
the citizenship of Azerbaijan for Emin Huseynov!
We see that dictatorship uses all inhuman methods for the persecution journalists.
The annulations of the citizenship is the very and very inhuman activity, with violation of standards OSCE
and United Nation Conventions, CoE,
and more, today, RECOMMENDATIONS of the Parliament Assembly of OSCE, at Luxembourg, 2019.
The dictatorship of Azerbaijan violates Human Rights with the very cynical way. We remember: Azerbaijan had the chairmanship in the Council of Europe. But the power of Azerbaijan forgets his obligations…..
And to OSCE again
We support of USA proposition to the AGENDA for the 2019 HUMAN DIMENSION IMPLEMENTATION MEETINNG and we regret that same propositions: topics are not included,
such as the role of civil society and the right to a fair trial.
The international association of independent democrats against authoritarian regimes.
WORKING SESSION 10 ,Rule of law I, including:– Independence of the judiciary– Democratic law-making– Ensuring equal enjoyment of rights and equal participation in political andpublic life
There are dictatorship states: AZERBAIJAN, BELARUS,
and again , UZBEKISTAN.
KAZAKHSTAN has the authoritarian system again.
But we hope UZBEKISTAN and KAZAKHSTAN have the way of the opportunity to the DEMOCRACY.
The dictatorship state have not any an Independence of the judiciary . There are not a Democratic law-making.
Please ,see next examples.
AZERBAIJAN. The dictator Ilkham Aliev showed : he is the Law!
The dictator Ilkham Aliev wants to be the sultan !
He (with the fake Constitution, art.101) called extraordinary elections of the president of Azerbaijan, His election, without any reason. This his right has been masked in art.101, non art .109.
We see the next violation of the democratic legislation and the violation of the Democratic law-making..
The dictator Aliev appointed his wife to be the vice –president !
Is it the Democratic law-making ? No and no!
The dictator Lukashenko doesn’t respects his Constitution with next time..
Lukashenko appointed “elections” to the fake parliament at 17 November, this year. It is the very hard violation of the Constitution: Articles .93, 94, 95.
We see the total the Democratic law-making
There are very hard conditions with the Constitution for to stop the activity of the “parliament”. Today Belarus has not same conditions.
And we see minus 10 months for the work of the “parliament” !
And what is the Ensuring equal enjoyment of rights and equal participation in political and public life?
Next violation; dictator Lukashenko makes the big Human Rights problem for yang people,
After 1 7 November, after next 10 months the very many young people will have rights citizens ,the right of the participation in elections.
But, at 17 November they have not this right again !
The young student made the application to Minsk court for the trial:
she waits the judgment for the illegal order of the dictator Lukashenko for the date of elections.
But the first court of the dictator made the rejection of the application.
And more the dictatorship of Lukashenko adopted the law text for the ban de facto for the freedom of expression, for the Freedom of peaceful assembly It demands very high payment by the people for democratic actions.
Dictators of Turkmenistan, Berdymukhammedov, of Tajikistan , Rakhmonov have not the time for the game in the Democratic law-making….. All words dictators are the law!
And. To states of the European Union. Germany was in our statement.
Today – Poland.
Poland has not a Democratic law-making. The case of the DISCRIMINATION has not an article of the criminal cod. The Polish court rejects all applications with title
And more , the Polish court uses illegal methods to stop the application of Belarusian person.
The DEFAMATION has not the article in the Polish legislation..
The result:
the Polish court rejects the application of the Belarusian person against the Polish official.
The international association of independent democrats against authoritarian regimes.
Working session 14 (specifically selected topic): Hate crime
There are dictatorship states: AZERBAIJAN, BELARUS,
and again , UZBEKISTAN.
KAZAKHSTAN has the authoritarian system again.
But we hope UZBEKISTAN and KAZAKHSTAN have the way of the opportunity to the DEMOCRACY.
Dear participants!
We see the hate is the methods of dictatorship states Because all activity same power founded on the hate. The hate is the method for the struggle against the democratic people for dictatorship.
All dictatorships have the same activity and this activity
is the hate crime, in reality. You heard the example -- Uzbekistan.
All dictatorship structures , from mass-media to prosecutor offices use the method of the hate activity for the persecution of democratic persons, democratic opposition.
We know about different methods of the production of the hate.
We ask, we appeal to the democratic state : please remember, that the hate crime – it the activity of the dictatorship state, first of all.
And next.
Our Belarusian member has the question:
Dear participants from the Democracy, please your opinion---
Is it the hate crime of the government structures . if the Belarusian person in Poland has the total discrimination for seventeen year?
If the Polish official bans a trial for the protection of the dignity of the Belarusian activist?
And next
Is it the hate crime , if the Polish official published in the newspaper (Rczeczposplita) the hate article, the defamation against the Belarusian Nation? (that “Belarusian people don't want to have self state”)
Maybe for same activity is another defintion:
It is the Polish chauvinism ?!
We have all document for these cases