NON any HR
Belarus in the terror--- 4 years of brutal repression.
65,000 people were detained. (Viasna Human Rights Center)
74 thousand facts of brutal repressions by the terrorist Lukashenko;
Recognized political prisoners increased by 55.5 times: real > 5000!
More than 2,000 people already have the status (par AI) political prisoners.
It is publicly known: that 6,971 people are under criminal charges.
1140 political prisoners served their terms in prisons.
6 political prisoners died behind bars; Aleksandar Kulinich, Igor Lednik, Vadim Hrasko,
Ales Pushkin, Nikolai Klimovich, Vitold Ashurak.
BELARUS-GULAG , affter 2020 The Moscow dictatorship agent Lukashenko will teach Belarusian schoolchildren that the ” national symbols of Belarusians are Nazi”, and that “the protests of 2020 are the methods of “collaborators”, that is against Moscow. Such fake textbooks for Belarusian children have already been published. AND !!!
The dictatorship of the Russian agent Lukashenko gives the NAME "extremist formation" for all democratic Belarusian organizations and the democratic Internet media. There are many absurd examples. NEXT -- The Union of Mothers of Belarus", which opposes the war, (STOP the Russian war!) was recognized by the KGB as an "extremist organization".
The Appeal to OSCE
1 March 2024 - OSCE Secretary General Helga Maria Schmid had the visit to the dictatorship of Turkmenistan…
Turkmenistan is the member of OSCE with the dictator-duble ( the son and the father , Berdymukhamedov) . The dictatorship of Turkmenistan violates ALL decisions, norms, documents of OSCE. It is the reason that the government delegation of Turkmenistan is absent at HDIM of OSCE ( for 90% cases). HDIM of OSCE is the good place for the real criticism of the dictatorships. But we have the visit of the General Secretary of OSCE in the dictatorship, the state with the regime of same the North Korea… in the territory of the former of USSR.( but today this place is occupy the dictatorship in Belarus). Why the General Secretary of OSCE ….
doesn’t makes the his work? Why she doesn’t propose to read the documents of OSCE for the power of Turkmenistan and to do “step by step” for the realisation this Human Rights norms ?
And more! There is the very big problem in Turkmenistan: there are more 100 political prisoners with “the silence of the government”! The very many year the Human Rights society and families of prisoners have not any information about a life, a situation, about the death or the life of these prisoners…. Why The General Secretary of OSCE doesn’t demands the information about the prisoners? Why the General Secretary of OSCE doesn’t demands an inspection of prisons of Turkmenistan by a Human Rights activists, the international commission?
We hope to have answers for these questions …..
In Ashgabat, the Secretary General will engage with the high-level officials at a strategic discussion organized and hosted by the government of Turkmenistan. This discussion will focus on the implications of climate change for security and stability in Central Asia and the complex challenges the region faces in such areas as transboundary water management, energy security, sustainable connectivity, disaster risk reduction and others.
“During her visit, OSCE Secretary General Schmid had the discussion for a bilateral program,
including a meeting with the “President” of Turkmenistan, Seward Berdimuhamedov. Ms.Schmid reaffirmed the OSCE's interest in further strengthening cooperation with Turkmenistan.”
And the question: the cooperation for what ?
The coordinator of IAIDaAR, Dr.Valery Hrytsuk
Kyrgyzstan goes to the dictatorship
There is the USA information at 2023!
Refuges from Central Asia:
7000 from Kyrgyzstan !!!,
3000 from Tajikistan
2700 — from Kazakhstasn
2000 – from Turkmenistan.
There are the real DICTATORSHIP in Turkmenistan, Tajikistan ;
the authoritarian regime in Kazakhstan!
PAS. -Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan have the common border . The opportunity of the trip to USA has the same chances.### AND! The governments of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan have the collaboration with the bandit Russia and ignoret the SANCTIONS to aggressive Russia!
The Uzbekistan prison has the lawyer, journalist DAULETMURAT TAZHIMURATOV/ Hes life is in the danger!
Please SUPPORT the life of Dauletmurat Tazhimuratov!!!
The dictatorship of Uzbekistan has 100 political prisoners-- Karakalpakstan activists!
Help torealese the democratic activistes!
February 2023
Совет Европейского Союза принял руководящие принципы в отношении Европейской комиссии и Верховного представителя по иностранным делам и политике безопасности для ведения переговоров от имени ЕС и его государств-членов по новому Соглашению о расширенном партнерстве и сотрудничестве (СРПС) с Таджикистаном.
«ЕС решительно настроен укрепить свои отношения со странами Центральной Азии,
BELARUS ? What ? THE DECISION of the dictator Lukashenko: to be or not to be ? The mobilisation must be in Belarus or the dictator -terrorist has the big fear ?
There is the hard opinion by different experts that the mobilisation to the Russian bandit war will be the end of the dictator Lukashenko/ Yes/ He know it. If the wild Russian peoples who support the war against Ukraine … they don’t want be on the war front ( 80 % support the war)// The bandit Russian war is not the war of the Belarusian people!### But the dictator Lukashenko continues hard repressions with the demonstration form the terrorist Putin, that he (Lukashenko) protects the Russia. There are very many examples of the hard punishment for Belarusian persons who made the video-file of the Russian war technique and send this file to Ukraine…There are others examples of the activity against the Russian army in Belarus and next -- the prison with 17 year for persons of Belarusian struggle against the bandit Russia. WE SEE THE TYPICAL STALIN REPRESSIONS!
Belarus.. VII 2022.
More than the North Korea ?
There are 1260 political prisoners. Very hard repressions are every day. The special group” GUBAZIK” is the group of the GESTAPO of the dictator Lukashenko. The dictatorship of the terrorist Lukashenko tries to find everybody who has any protest activity and to isolate in the prison. Next method for more fear for al citizens : new sentences for political prisoners who are the criminal verdict and they are already in the prison…… The dictatorship of Lukashenko has already criminal verdicts for all family with very small children… Why? The family used the Constitution right on the peaceful demonstration…. For the journalist normal work is the new criminal article: the crime against the state --- And see :Belarus today--
Political prisoner, the lawyer from the city Dokshytsy, Olga Yaltsevich was sentenced to 2 years of the imprisonment under Art. 342 Part 2 of the Criminal Code ("Financing of actions that grossly violate public order") {the service of the terrorist Lukashenko: “judge is Yevhen Bregan, the prosecutor is Yehor Kronda.” } Olga Yaltsevich was accused that in 2020, in cooperation with "foreign funds", she helped pay fines and for lawyers; for people who were punished for participating in protests against the dictatorship.
An activist from the city Navopolatsk was sentenced next once with three verdict. The reason: the reposting texts against the dictatorship in Internet.
The journalist Ekaterina Andreeva was expected to be released in September 2022, after 2-year prison (the punishment for streaming from a protest rally in Minsk) But now the journalist was convicted under the article "Treason to the State" and the new absurd punishment (8 years)
The Appeal of NGOs of Europe to Russia ( draft)
Russia ! See to the mirror !
На себя оборотись, соседка! Выйми бревно из своего глаза!
Russia !STOP the War ! Stop the Lie !
You say about military unions… You say about NATO -”come back” , but
you forget his –ОДКБ--“ODKB”and (ШОС)?
The Russia start the war since 2014 year …. It is the direct aggression to the Ukraine.
You say about the security but why the Russia starts and continues the very large military “training”.See the story (the list) last training (2000-2022) with the real (non for the paper) honest quantity military units!
We see that the Russia has the tendency: more frequency and more military units and more “military events” . It is the example of Russia only!
You say about the right of the “Russian language “ in Ukraine …. But why your government elite says:” In all places where is the Russian language is the places of the Russia”!
Why your citizen must self flame for the defence of his language ?(the case of Dr.Albert Razin, Udmurtyia, Russia)
But there is the guaranty with the Constitution of Russia { “Russians Constitution, Article19 and Article 26.Everyone shall have the right to use his native language,...»})
Why you ignore your Constitution ?
Why you don’t protect Rights of citizens of the Russia in the Russia?
Why you don’t protect your Russian people in Turkmenistan ?
Why you don’t support your Russians from the Central Asia to return to the Russia with your self wishing , their desire “come back” ?
Why your mass-media and special groups in social networks distribute the lie on the every large scale , distribute the hate ? But it is the violation of OSCE standards !
You say about the “power people” must be in others countries , first of in Ukraine…
But where is the “power people” in Russia?
Why the Russia support the power of the terrorist Alexander Lukashenko?
But the Belarusian people saw and said the Belarusian people wants to have his life without the dictator Lukashenko by the people large peace protests at 2020 !
Why the Russia support the brutal actions , murders , tortures peace of people of Belarus by the dictator Lukashenko?
After 1996 year. The Constitution of Belarus has the Article 18 about the “neutrality”
But the Russia makes his military training on the territory of Belarus every years more frequency and with more quantity of his units that doesn’t support Belarus to be “neutrality”!
Why ? And there is the decision about the real occupation of Belarus with the Russian army.
What wants Russia? Or the Russia is the Vladimir Putin , only ?
Where are citizens of Russia with here numbers ethnic peoples ?
We are permanent participants of HDIM OSCE and we have the rights to have answers for questions to the state-member of OSCE.
We support all standards of OSCE , Human Rights and the humanistic approach for all cases.
The peace must be for every body!
(***”ODKB” is the military union of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Tajikistan)
Belarus under the fascists of the terrorist Alexander Lukashenko!
The terrorist Lukashenko construct the war power – JUNTA in Europe.
There is the fact: any virus is the danger … Yes, we observe and our statement at HDIM OSCE had the conclusion: the political regimes of the dictatorship have a virus… But more,
there is the example the transmission the power-junta of the dictatorship of Africa to Belarus.
The murder Lukashenko made men of the war ( KGB, police, army ) ministers for civil structures. The colonel KGB is the chef of the National Academy of the Science ….. !!!!
Our conclusion: Today Belarus is the North Korea in Europe has the confirmation everyday.
We see : the dictatorship of the terrorist Lukashenko makes repression more large. You made the “non-good” post in Internet, made the “non-good lyke”--- go to the prison, etc.
Why have not HARD SANCTIONS for the JUNTA in Europe, in BELARUS?
The dictator Lukashenko starts the method to stop the electoral revolution: “Belarus has the threat by “army Vagnera” for the destabilization of the power in Belarus’” mand new violation of Human Rigbhts in Belarus for citezens of RB !
There is the very interesting tendencies (facts): “states with the DICTATORSHIP have not virus (COVID19). We know statements of the dictator of the North Korea , the dictator of Belarus, of the dictator of Turkmenistan……………………………
The information. (after 13.07.2020) The dictator Berdymukhamedov adopted the delegation of WHO . The chair of WHO has the statement : there is not “virus”. BUT> If there is not any virus , WHY special methods*** of the protection of the health have to be in Turkmenistan everyday , with very hard restrictions for everyday life, for everybody?
There is the very interesting position of WHO …. We see the new case of the corruption or the chair of WHO didn’t was very … after China ?
*** The government distribution the explication for using masks everyday: THRE IS VERY HIGH LEVEL a DUST !!!!.//// There is the information after 29.07: Turkmenistan has very many deaths
Belarus, 30.VII 2020
The dictator Lukashenko starts the method to stop the electoral revolution: “Belarus has the threat by “army Vagnera” for the destabilization of the power in Belarus’”
The dictator Lukashenko starts the method to stop the electoral revolution: “Belarus has the threat by “army Vagnera” for the destabilization of the power in Belarus’”
The VOTE DAY at 6.08.2020. The dictator Lukashenko has 25% support by people.
He has to be forever .The majority citizens of Belarus say: Go OUT Lukashenko (away)! But the dictator starts very large repressions:
On 6 July 2020. Belarus has 25 political prisoners, 700 persons have been detained, punished (in sum) for 5 years in prison and the very big money punishment.
But….The Belarusian Nation awoke -- Belarusian people want the Democracy!
What is the West? What is EU ?

BELARUS. 8 DECEMBER… IT IS THE START FOR THE END of the STATE OF Belarus? The dictator (parasite*) Alexander Lukashenko will have the meeting with the dictator-bandit Putin …. Lukashenko have to signer the new AGREEMENT for “deep integration of Belarus to Russia”. It is the very important decision but the people of Belarus don’t’ see documents for this agreement. The dictator Lukashenko likes to says : ‘the people , the people…” But the citizens of Belarus have not any influence to the power in Belarus. After November illegal elections to the formal parliament there are not any opposition deputy – all “deputies” have been tacked from the List of the dictator Lukashenko. \\\\ Alexander Lukashenko is the typical parasite on the Russia--- he wants the money of Russia for his power without the reforms in Belarus, without effective economy. He thinks that the liberal economy is the danger for his power. Today the dictator Lukashenko has the total control in Belarus in each sector of the life of Belarus.
After 27.07.2019--03.08.2019 --- ……. Putin Russia
BELARUS—2011 AND RUSSIA-2019.We see the dictator Putin repeats the action of the dictator Lukashenko at 2011. At election time, the big protest of Russian democrats, the police of the dictator detained near 1000 democratic persons at
03.08.2019 in Moscow. And illegal trials hold…
Thanks for Sweden for support Human Right
Активисты гражданского общества Центральной Азии закончили свои выступления по нарушениям прав и свобод человека и возвращаются в свои страны.
На пятом раунде Центральноазиатских Дней (ЦАД) в Стокгольме, которые проходили 25-26 Ноября 2018 года были освящены ситуации и различные процессы в Центральной Азии для продвижения прав человека в этом регионе.
Швеция, как эталон демократии, очередной раз продемонстрировала своё желание помочь активистам Центральной Азии в решении проблем этого региона, так как на встречах участвовали дипломаты, журналисты, представители правозащитных организаций, представители национальных диаспор, беженцы, получившие убежище в Швеции.
Это ежегодное событие, поэтому совместные усилиями будут направлены на то, чтобы на следующем раунде Центральноазиатских Дней (ЦАД) в Стокгольме был достигнут прогресс в ситуациях с правами человека и укреплении демoкратии в регионе, объединяющем Кыргызстан, Казахстан, Таджикистан, Туркменистан, Узбекистан.
The international association of independent democrats against authoritarian regimes.
There are dictatorship states: AZERBAIJAN, BELARUS, UZBEKISTAN, TURKMENISTAN, TAJIKISTAN, KAZAKHSTAN and aggressive RUSSIA … but we have the moratoria of the hard criticism for Uzbekistan at this year, best wishes to the President for next steps to the Democracy. WORKING SESSION 5, Rule of law II, including prevention of arbitrary arrest, detention or exile, and prevention of torture, exchange of views on the question of abolition of capital punishment……
At working session , participants have been demonstrated a lot examples for violations at the independence of the judiciary and non fair trials. And we know that dictatorship states have not the independence of the judiciary and fair trials. The same situation gives the very big activity for the policemen and special services to use tortures at the arbitrary arrest ( and , late , in prisons) . Violations of Human Rights are at all steps of the dictatorships: the arbitrary arrest, detention , exile etc. First of all tortures are using very large in states of Central Asia.
We have our appeal to democratic states of the West : to stop tortures in dictatorship states for 15 years…
But, today , we see: democratic states of the West have the interest to have the money only with any way- “Aes non olet”…..
We see next: NGO activists distribute at HDIM the list political imprisons of Turkmenistan ( more 100 persons) since 2016 year . Families of those victims of the dictatorship have not contacts for 7-10 years. But we don’t see questions of the West to the dictator Berdymukhamedov….
The next problem: a capital punishment … We see Belarus has the same punishment – it is one state in Europe with a capital punishment!
We have the very large activity at HDIM for 15 years, we demonstrated facts concretes of violations of Human Rights… and we see delegations of the West don’t hear us, our information since 2017 year and today….
And we ask : please your support for the President of Uzbekistan return tostate independence of the judiciary, independent attorneys, lawyers.
The recommendation:
We know: there is the dictator – there are not the independence of the judiciary and non fair trials. Everybody have know to know names of dictators.
Second hand: OSCE has documents: the freedom of expression and freedom of the media that the participating States adopted since Helsinki Final Act. In the Budapest Document (1994), OSCE participating States reaffirmed “that freedom of expression is a fundamental human right and a basic component of a democratic society’, and in the Helsinki Document (2008) they recognized that “human rights are best respected in democratic societies. NGOs has the rights to have the freedom of expression , etc. Tajikistan and Azerbaijan adopted OSCE documents! But we see the aggressive attacks to representatives of NGOs by the official of Tajikistan ( the physical attack ) and psychological attacks , same torture, by officials of Azerbaijan.
We ask moderators of ODIHR-OSCE to stop same attacks and to demand the tolerance at HDIM OSCE.
The very hard punishment for the user of Internet in Tadjikistan.
10 year imprison . He is not the extremist.
The Working Group On Unified List of Political Prisoners presents updated list
The Working Group (WG) on Unified List of Political Prisoners in Azerbaijan presents updated Unified List of Political Prisoners in Azerbaijan. The current updated list includes 160 names. Based on documents obtained, court observations and interviews, The Woking Group has already recognized 158 of them as people arrested with political motivation - as political prisoners. Two cases remain Under Monitoring, as all the details of their cases have not been available for studying and informed decision.
The dictatorship of Lukashenko starts new kidnapping: there is the any contact with Mikalay Statkievich for 3 days. \\\\ HARD SANCTION , HARD, without the children games, for the dictator Lukashenko and his bandits !
Tsunami repressions in BELARUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For trust Belarusian people 25.03 – is the Day of the Freedom, the Day of the proclamation of Belarusian People Republic at 25.03.1918.
to EU member-states
2016 year
We see democratic states of European Union have the very active collaboration with dictatorial states at this year.
The collaboration with the dictatorship is immoral first of all, but it violates all democratic conventions and agreements also .
The political prisoner Vladimir Kozlov has the freedom !
The sensation! Poland starts the active collaboration with the dictatorship.
The pseudo-parliament of the dictator Alexander Lukaszenko is not recognized by the West after the destroying of the Constitution order by Lukashenko at 1996. Any official delegation of the democratic West didn’t have the meeting with the members of the pseudo-parliament of the dictator. ………………………………………………
The Poland has the new nationalistic government and the official delegation of the Parliament of Poland (Sejm) had the meeting with the members of the pseudo-parliament of the dictator Lukashenko at 2-4 August.
What is it ? It is the betrayal of the Democratic values , European values ?
It is the end of the Polish support for the Belarusian opposition?
And Human Rights violations in Belarus the new Polish power doesn’t see ….
Amnesty International has signed a joint letter with other human rights groups and media organizations to mark the one year anniversary of the disappearance and subsequent imprisonment in Turkmenistan of freelance journalist Saparmamed Nepeskuliev. Saparmamed Nepeskuliev, a photojournalist who had worked for Alternative News Turkmenistan and for Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, disappeared while on a work trip in early July 2015 (see Urgent Action: ‘Turkmenistan – Freelance journalist’s whereabouts unknown’, EUR 61/2229/2015).
Turkmenistan: End Enforced Disappearances
“Prove They Are Alive!” campaign calls upon the government of Turkmenistan
to shed light on the fate of dozens who have been imprisoned for more than a decade
For information on the Prove They Are Alive! campaign, please visit:
For information on the disappeared, please visit:
See: Turkmenistan
The role of national human rights institutions (NHRIs) in promoting
and protecting human rights in the OSCE area
WARSAW, 1-3 June 2015
SOS !!! Drastic Human Rights VIOLATIONS!
and Next=> 1.06.2015
The Baku Court of Grave Crimes today issued a sentence on the member of the Youth Committee of the Popular Front Party Elvin Abdullayev. The court found him guilty of drug possession and deprived him of liberty for 6 years.Recall that Abdullayev, who is Azerbaijan Pedagogical University’s student, was arrested after the exam on January 8, 2015. Police said that Abdullayev was allegedly seized 3 grams of heroin, after which he was charged under Article 234.4.3 (drug trafficking on a large scale).However, the student said that the drugs were planted. The reason was his criticism of the authorities and appeals to fellow students not to be afraid to express their opinions. Following the statements, Abdullayev was called by the Pro-rector and warned about the inadmissibility of such conduct. However, the student was not afraid of threats.
After his arrest, investigators have long tried to break Elvin and force him to address the accusation against the leadership of PFPA, but Elvin was not broken, his mother told Turan. According to her, Elvin has repeatedly been put in solitary confinement as punishment.During the investigation Abdullayev’s guilt has not been proven. The Youth Committee of PFPA believes that the young man is persecuted for political reasons. In addition to active participation in the Youth Committee of the Azerbaijan Popular Front Party, he also published sharply critical articles about the authorities on Facebook. Abdullayev became the eighth activist of PFPA thrown behind bars.
The defense plans to appeal the verdict.
Rasul DJAFAROV and Intigam ALIYEV are in the prison!
Dear Sirs, participants of HDIM OSCE!
You know Mr.Jafarov and Mr.Aliyev…….
Human Rights Club
39 Zardabi avenue, apt. 40; AZ1063 Baku; Azerbaijan
Tel: +994-50-586 35 37
Fax: +994-12-598 45 19
Legal Education Society, Sh. Azabeyov 199/7; Baku; Azerbaijan
Mr. Intigam ALIYEV, President
Tel: +994-12-498 81 75, +994-50-204 70 10,Fax: +994-12-449 81 92
Today Human Rights Defender, Mr. Intigam ALIYEV is in the prison of the dictator of Azerbaijan ! The judgment of trial of the dictatorship: 7.5 years imprison for the advocate of victims of the dictatorship. Mr. Intigam ALIYEV is not the political opposition activist . He was , he is the defender of the European principle for Human Rights. Mr. Intigam ALIYEV has 200 successful , positive decisions in ECHR on the Human Rights violation by the dictatorship of Azerbaijan! Do you see -- 200 effective applications!
It is the reason and the “argument” for the prison “life” of Mr.Aliev!
PACE !!!
Dear the President PACE, Ms.Anne Brasseur !!!
Where is your voice for Azerbaijan?
It is you said:
“Human rights, democracy and the rule of law know no borders and never should.”
Do you remember the chairmanship of Azerbaijan in CoE
The Human Rigts Defender Rasul Djafarov has 6,5 year of the prison by the dictatorship of Azerbaijan.
PACE President asks for help in securing Ukrainian pilot Nadiya Savchenko’s release
We see a next arrest for the Human Rights Defender, Mr. Intigam ALIYEV, the Legal Education Society ,President.
We see the dictator of Azerbaijan , Aliev laughs for the Council of Europe, PACE and the European Conventions, the Convention for the Protection
of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Europe makes nothing!!!
Next bla-bla…
Kazakhstan go to the dictatorship.
Kazakstan: Opposition Activist JailedHarsh verdict for government opponent intended as message to others.An opposition leader in Kazakstan, Vladimir Kozlov, has been sentenced to seven-and-a-half years imprisonment after a conviction roundly criticised by international watchdogs.
What can I think about the European Democracy? What are Principles?
Poland –Belarus.October 2012.There are new facts Poland support the dictatorship Belarus against the Belarusian democrats. Tax documents has been send to Belarus. And the “grant information” has been opened. See (in Polish),945571-Dane-MSZ-dot--pomocy-rozwojowej-w-internecie.html and
and new Resolutions witg EU Parliament and PACE and....
WHAT ???
Human rights: Belarus, Azerbaijan and Sri Lanka : Human rights: Belarus, Azerbaijan and Sri Lanka
Human rights − 12-05-2011 - 17:04 Plenary sessions
The Belarus regime's harassment of journalists and opposition leaders, the plight of human rights activists in Azerbaijan and the fate of Tamil citizens in Sri Lanka were the three topics selected for urgent debates and resolutions by the European Parliament on Thursday.
Opines of 25 deputies has been demonstrated at debates on Belarus. There is the general conclusion: economic sanctions can stop the dictator Lukashenko.