The international association of independent democrats against authoritarian regimes



June 28, Azerbaijani dictator Ilham Aliyev signed an order to dissolve the Milli Majlis (pseudo-parliament) of the 6th convocation and call early parliamentary elections. According to the document, the elections will be held on September 1, 2024. We will see the next spectacle.


«КАРАБАХ также готов к выборам», в связи с внеочередными президентскими выборами,

которые будут проведены в Азербайджане 7 февраля 2024г.

После вовращения Карабаха в Азербайджан, власти Азербайджана полностью восстановили свое управление в регионе. (Почему внеочередные президентские выборы? Вероятно диктатор Алиев решил «перестраховаться « и использовать свою победу в войне с Арменией за Карабах..)



The dictatorship by I.Aliev forever :

The court sentenced Abid Gafarov to one year in prison

The Yasamal District Court completed consideration of a complaint in the form of a private criminal charge against  Abid Gafarov, the head of the Baku Unity public association, the host of the KİM.TV YouTube channel. Lawsuits against him were filed...

July 14th, 2022



Court denies human rights activist Elchin Mamed an early conditional release

At its July 1 sitting, the Sabunchu district court of Baku dismissed human rights activist and journalist Elchin Mamed’s application for an early release on the grounds of having served half of his prison term. His lawyer Fariz Namazli informed...


and   other news by



Назіральнікі ПАРЭ паведамілі, што больш за 15 (16) азэрбайджанскіх актывістаў і журналістаў былі арыштаваныя на тэрміны да 30 дзён за парушэньні абмежаваньняў у часе пандэміі і непадпарадкаваньне паліцыі.

ПАРЭ асьцерагаецца, што жыцьцё палітычных апанэнтаў Баку ў зьняволеньні можа апынуцца пад пагрозай з прычыны імавернасьці заражэньня новым каранавірусам


At February.The dictator Aliev made the spectacle “Elections “ to the “parliament”. All elections processes had the total falsification. The dictatorship stopped opposition protests with the brutal manner .All opposition leaders have been detained, more 100 activists of the opposition have the hard repression.



 9.02.2019 The dictator Aliev made the spectacle “elections to the parliament”


There is the information that the “parliament “ will have 1 (one)  opposition  “deputy”--  It is the skill  of the dictator of Belarus : in the Belarusian “parliament” were 2 opposition ”deputies” .




The Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety condemns the Azerbaijani authorities for the attacks against well-known journalist, Sevinj Osmanqizi living in exile in the United States and calls for an immediate end to the dirty harassment and blackmail tactics with illegal interceptions of telephone conversations and the use visual materials concerning the personal life of the journalist.IRFS demands that the Azerbaijani and US law enforcement agencies immediately investigate the alleged illegal surveillance aimed at silencing her critical voice.
IRFS is appalled by the fact that, the pro-government media in Azerbaijan are involved in these attacks, and namely the government-controlled TV channel REAL TV, which shamelessly broadcasted a recording of the wiretap of Sevinj Osmanqizi talking to another journalist living in exile in Germany, Chingiz Sultansoy. While broadcasting the illegally recorded audio in which the two journalists discuss their daily creative and work plans, the channel emphasizes that these journalists are working on finding grants to create alternative content. This content is presented to the Azerbaijani public as the anti-state activity funded by Western donors.
In the recent weeks, the authorities went even further in their aggressive rhetoric against representatives of independent media and civil society, particularly targeting female journalists. As such, intimate personal photos of the Obyektiv TV journalist, Fatima Movlanly, were distributed on social networks. These pictures were illegally seized from the journalist’s personal phone a year ago, by the police. Since then, she was blackmailed with the release of the photos in questions, if she didn’t stop her professional activities. Seeing that their threats did not bring the desired result, the authorities distributed the photos in an attempt to denigrate and unleash a campaign of hatred against the journalist.
“Unfortunately, instead of defending Azerbaijani journalists, the country's special services are trying to invade their privacy through hidden cameras, illegal wiretaps, hacking computers and smartphones, gathering material that is later used to blackmail the women critics into silence.” said the Executive Director of the IRFS, Emin Huseynov. The most outrageous campaign of harassment and blackmail was conducted in 2012 against one of the prominent journalists, Khadija Ismailova, by the special services of Azerbaijan.  The IRFS investigation into the matter revealed and proved that the private life of journalist was invaded and filmed without her knowledge and the blackmail campaign was carried out directly by the Ministry of National Security of Azerbaijan. Despite concrete evidence of the involvement of special services in the above mentioned illegal activities neither the prosecutor’s office nor the courts of Azerbaijan initiated any action in order to bring to justice the perpetrators of this dirty crime. “In general, this was to be expected since the political leadership of Azerbaijan stood behind the smear campaign against Khadija Ismailova, the same people that today, are leading a similar campaign of harassment and intimidation against another prominent female journalist, Sevinj Osmanqizi. ” Huseynov concluded.IRFS calls on the US law enforcement agencies to ensure the protection of the journalist residing in exile on their territory, and to conduct an international investigation, together with law enforcement agencies of Germany and Azerbaijan, into the alleged illegal surveillance.
IRFS also urges the OSCE and the Council of Europe, as well as the EU member states, to adequately assess the campaign of harassment, intimidation and threats against Azerbaijani women journalists.
widespread corruption

In the observance of the International Anti-Corruption Day and International Human Rights Day, the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety (IRFS) reaffirms its commitment to defending and promoting these two of the most important pillars of a healthy and democratic society. Azerbaijan –a country recognised for its human rights abuses and widespread corruption –should be held accountable by UN and other international and regional bodies for the ongoing crackdown on peaceful dissent and anti-corruption activists, IRFS said.

The Azerbaijani authorities have a long history of suppressing and punishing free speech as well any dissenting voices. The absence of freedoms in the society is directly connected to a high level of corruption, which is also the main motivation for the government to commit various crimes against its people.

This shameful record has reached completely new lows when series of investigations across Europe, published in September 2017 and led by the Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), exposed a exposed Azerbaijan’s multi-billion scheme to carry influence, pay lobbyists, and to launder cash.

The politically motivated arrests and criminal cases against non-governmental organisations, the fabrication of bureaucratic obstacles during the process of registration of grant contracts and receiving funding in the form of grants and donations; the pressure on relatives and family members, the disbarment of lawyers of political prisoners; the interdiction to leave the country imposed on human rights defenders and the enforcement of legislation that restrains the non-governmental sector became the authorities’ weapons of choice against its critics and opposition.

            Virtually all the independent journalists, bloggers, writers and poets of Azerbaijan who merely wish that  the authorities respect the norms of a civil society by using traditional and social mass media, and who fight for justice confronting the corrupt officials, are facing deliberate and politically motivated persecution.






Диктатура арестовывает граждан , которые хотели праздновать День возрождения 17.11.2018



    "Azerbaijan: 'New Waves of Repression",

The dictatorship by Ilkham Aliev  holds more and more brutal policy in country. …

And we see sporadic protests of the people…  Today, a reason for the protest is an eve case…The people protest in the city Giandja  was at 10- 11 July .  40 persons have been detained by the police and after trials, 14 persons have bee arrested. The reason  ( probably ) of the protest was the activity of the Chair of  city Giandja. But there is a next (probably) of the reason of the protest and killing policemen and the Chair of the city: it is the struggle of clans in the power…



 11 April Azerbaijan, the dictatorIlham Aliyev makes the “election” for Ilkham Alyev. Today we see large brutal repressions in Azerbaijan by the dictator Ilham Aliyev.



Presidential election for 11 April 2018 in Kleptocratic Regime and Intensifies Repression against Anti-Corruption Activists

Azerbaijan Calls Snap Presidential Election Amid Relentless Crackdown

The Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety (IRFS) strongly condemns the call by Azerbaijan's President Aliyev for an early presidential election for 11 April 2018. Serious electoral flaws and ongoing human rights abuses by the Azerbaijani government undermine any meaningful prospect of free and fair elections, the organisation said.

IRFS believes that President Aliyev, who’s been in office since 2003, has intentionally abused his official powers to secure an absolute advantage for himself or his potential successor. The ruling New Azerbaijan Party earlier declared it would nominate Aliyev for the presidency again, potentially extending his rule to 2025. The election was previously scheduled for 17 October. By giving the country eight weeks warning in a threatening environment hostile to free speech and genuine political participation, President Aliyev created an uneven playing filed for candidates and made vibrant political discourse almost impossible. .“The monitoring of pluralism in traditional broadcast media shows that all television and radio broadcasters, whether state-run or private, are invariably under the full control of the authorities and serve as a propaganda mouthpiece for the ruling regime by shaping the public opinion in favour of the government among nearly 75 percent of the total population of the country,” IRFS CEO Emin Huseynov said.“In an environment where there is no single independent print media in the country, most of the independent news websites are subjected to judicial and extrajudicial blocking, the handful of independent online publications are under the risk of closure, and leading government critics are behind bars for exercising their fundamental right to freedom of expression, This vote would be neither free nor fair.. It would not reflect the will of the Azerbaijani people, and should be seen as undemocratic and illegitimate in the eyes of the international community.,” the head of IRFS concluded. IRFS believes that the President of Azerbaijan has called the unjustified snap election by capitalising on an anti-democratic provision that he has introduced to the Azerbaijani Constitution through the 2016 constitutional referendum, which he himself had initiated and which was questionable in terms of democratic standards and was criticised by the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe. It was in 2016 that Ilham Aliyev managed to tailor all provisions of the Constitution to fit his personal interests through a totally rigged nationwide referendum and eliminate the already fragile balance between the branches of power in Azerbaijan.As cautiously anticipated by the critics of the 2016 constitutional amendments, Ilham Aliyev appointed his spouse Mehriban Aliyeva to the newly established post of the first vice-president of Azerbaijan in February of 2017 and himself acquired an absolute right - unseen in any other country around the world - to call early presidential elections without providing any reasons or explanations.Given that the 2016 constitutional changes extended the president’s term of office from 5 to 7 years and removed the minimum age limit for presidential candidates and that the two-term limit for presidency had earlier been abolished through similar dubious constitutional changes in 2009, Ilham Aliyev could become a de-facto permanent ruler similar to an absolute monarch in a de-jure unitary state with a presidential form of government. In its review of the changes, the Council of Europe's Venice Commission was “particularly worried” by the introduction of the figure of unelected Vice-Presidents, who may at some moment govern the country, and the President’s prerogative to declare early presidential elections at his/her convenience.“Under the circumstances, there is no way the election can be free and fair, and no chance that a deeply flawed and rushed electoral process will help Azerbaijan either establish democracy or bring an end to grave human rights abuses by the ruling establishment. We therefore believe that the election should be postponed”, Emin Huseynov said. IRFS calls on the Council of Europe and the OSCE, as well as the member states of these organisations, to strongly reject the call by Ilham Aliyev for snap presidential elections and Instead call on his regime to respect the human rights of all of its citizens, and to return to democratic constitutional order. IRFS calls on the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights and the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe to conduct a joint assessment of the unjustified decision of the President of Azerbaijan. IRFS further calls on the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to hold urgent consultations and develop a package of recommendations to the government of Azerbaijan to conduct presidential elections in accordance with the standards of the Council of Europe, which Azerbaijan has undertaken to observe as a member of the organisation since 2001. IRFS also calls on OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Italian Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano to urgently convene a meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council and hold political consultations on unsubstantiated extraordinary presidential elections in Azerbaijan, and to assess - on behalf of the OSCE Council of Ministers - the extent to which the decision of President Ilham Aliyev corresponds to OSCE values that are clearly and unambiguously prescribed in the Helsinki Final Act and the Paris Charter for a New Europe. IRFS further calls upon the members of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly to hold an extraordinary hearing on Azerbaijan at the upcoming session on 22-23 February in Vienna and adopt a resolution condemning Ilham Aliyev’s decision as a violation of the fundamental principles of human rights and democracy. IRFS also calls on the Committee on Political Affairs, the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights and the Monitoring Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to urgently prepare an assessment report on the unwarranted snap presidential elections of Azerbaijan and other relevant reports on how these plans of the Azerbaijani authorities go against the country’s obligations to the Council of Europe regarding respect for human rights and standards of democracy.

IRFS calls on the European Union to completely reconsider its relations with the Azerbaijani authorities and suspend all negotiations as part of the preparation of the Strategic Partnership Treaty until the Azerbaijani authorities demonstrate will for genuine democratic reforms that are a priority within the framework of the Eastern Partnership program. IRFS further calls upon the Azerbaijani civil society and political parties of Azerbaijan to challenge the presidential decree on holding early elections in the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan.

IRFS urges the political leadership of Azerbaijan to conduct the presidential elections on 17 October 2018, as originally and repeatedly announced by the authorities themselves, and until that time to carry out necessary reform aimed at removing all restrictions on freedom of expression and freedom of association and assembly in the country. As the first and urgent steps to improve the pre-election atmosphere, IRFS calls on the authorities to release all political prisoners, including prisoners of conscience, among whom there are a number of journalists, bloggers, writers and poets, and to remove all legislative restrictions on the free functioning of civil society and political opposition.

Kleptocratic Regime Intensifies Repression against Anti-Corruption Activists in the Run Up to Presidential Election--The Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety (IRFS) condemns the politically motivated sentencing of investigative journalist Afgan Mukhtarli and demands his immediate release.

Despite the completely fabricated evidence against him and outrageous circumstances of his arrest, the journalist, whom Azerbaijani intelligence agencies abducted in the capital of neighboring Georgia and then secretly and illegally transferred to Azerbaijan, was convicted by Balakan Regional Court of resistance to authority (Article 315 of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan), illegal border crossing (Article 318 of the Criminal Code) and smuggling (Article 206 of the Criminal Code) and sentenced to six years in jail on January 12, 2018.The abduction, arrest and conviction of an investigative journalist living and continuing his professional activities in the territory of neighboring Georgia show that the authorities seek to prevent the exposure of corruption by resorting to blatantly illegal cross-border actions of persecution and violence against journalists,” IRFS CEO Emin Huseynov said. “The way the authorities decided to deal with Afghan Mukhtarli is not only unprecedented for Azerbaijan or Georgia, but also an unprecedented act of state terror for the entire world community, as no similar incident has ever been recorded in the world in the last two decades where a journalist was abducted by intelligence agencies and sent back to a country which he had been forced to flee for fear of persecution,” Huseynov concluded.

IRFS expresses its deep concern that to this day the Georgian law enforcement agencies have not completed and unreasonably delayed the investigation of Mukhtarli’s abduction, although they themselves initiated a criminal case into this fact on the charge of illegal restriction of freedom. IRFS considers the Georgian government’s efforts insufficient and calls upon them to promptly identify the masterminds and perpetrators of this crime and inform the world community about this. IRFS further calls on the Georgian authorities to more vigilantly ensure the safety of other Azerbaijani journalists and civil society activists, as alarm bells have recently started to ring from Georgia about impending provocations on the part of Azerbaijani intelligence agencies against the critics of the Aliyev regime.

IRFS reminds the international community that blogger and activist Mehman Galandarov, who had previously lived in political exile in Georgia in 2016 but was forced to return to Azerbaijan for the funeral reception for his deceased mother and was subsequently arrested on a fabricated drug possession charge, died in an Azerbaijani prison under unclear circumstances in April of 2017. Galandarov and Mukhtarli were active dissidents who periodically organized protests in Tbilisi in front of the Azerbaijani embassy in Georgia, demanding the release of arrested prisoners of conscience. Despite numerous international calls to investigate Mehman Galandarov’s tragic death, no one has been punished for his death in politically motivated incarceration.

In a strange confluence of circumstances, Afgan Mukhtarli’s sister was found dead along with two underage children on the last day of the outgoing year, at noon on December 31, 2017. Although the authorities started a criminal investigation into the mysterious tragic death of the three members of the journalist’s family and stated that the preliminary cause of the death is poisoning from carbon monoxide, the refusal to temporarily release Afgan Mukhtarli to participate in the funeral of his deceased sister and two underage nephews makes one think that the Azerbaijani authorities not only lack simple human compassion, but also deliberately use the death of close relatives to exert stronger psychological pressure on their critic.

IRFS once again urges the Azerbaijani authorities to immediately release Afgan Mukhtarli and everyone imprisoned for exercising their right to freedom of expression, including journalists Mehman Huseynov, Seymur Hazi, Aziz Orujov, Nijat Aliyev, Araz Guliyev, Fikrat Ibishbayli, Afgan Sadigov, Elchin Ismayilli, Javid Shiraliyev, Ziya Asadli and Arshad Ibrahimov, bloggers Rashad Ramazanov and Ilkin Rustemzade, writers Saday Shakarli and Tofig Hasanov, as well as graffiti activists Giyas Ibrahimov and Bayram Mammadov.

IRFS calls on the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to begin at its regular January session to voice calls condemning the authorities of Azerbaijan for the persecution of journalists and disregard for their obligations to comply with the high standards of the Council of Europe in the sphere of fundamental human rights.

IRFS calls on the legislative and executive bodies of the leading democracies of the European Union and the OSCE to start applying individual sanctions against rampant violators of human rights in the form of an entry ban and also seizure of assets in the form of bank accounts and movable and immovable property.

IRFS separately calls on the European Commission to suspend all negotiations with the Azerbaijani authorities on the development and approval of the text of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty and also calls on the members of the European Parliament to launch hearings on the following theme: “How consistent is the current level of repression with the spirit of cooperation and mutual respect for the common European ideals of democracy and human rights?”

IRFS calls on the world’s leading international financial institutions to stop providing any assistance to the Azerbaijani authorities until they are more accountable and stop brutally cracking down on leading corruption fighters such as investigative journalists.

Taking into account the upcoming presidential elections of October 2018, this year, as with all election years, will see any form of criticism suffer increased crackdown by the ruling regime that has held power for the last 25 years and been strengthening nepotism and kleptocracy day by day right before the eyes of the world community. IRFS calls on the international community to show solidarity with the civil society of Azerbaijan and protect and support free and alternative voices more effectively and systematically both inside and outside of the country.

IRFS STATEMENT,15 January, 2018

Institute for Reporter's Freedom and Safety , |






The Working Group On Unified List of Political Prisoners presents updated list

PRESS-RELEASE, August 28, 2017

The Working Group (WG) on Unified List of Political Prisoners in Azerbaijan presents updated Unified List of Political Prisoners in Azerbaijan. The current updated list includes 160 names. Based on documents obtained, court observations and interviews, The Woking Group has already recognized 158 of them as people arrested with political motivation - as political prisoners. Two cases remain Under Monitoring, as all the details of their cases have not been available for studying and informed decision.

158 confirmed cases of political prisoners include 10 journalists and bloggers, 2 poets and writers, one human rights defender, 11 political and civic activists, 97 religious activists and three life prisoners

. Nineteen political prisoners are those who were arrested during social protests. Two former government officials are also recognized as political prisoners. Besides these groups, the List includes three cases of political hostages – those, arrested for solely being family member or close relative of the government critics. Ten political prisoners - Said Dadashbeyli and those arrested within the same case are included into the same group.

Follow link to see full report "Unified List of Political Prisoners in Azerbaijan":


The Working Group continues it’s work on updating the list and monitoring of the remaining and new cases.

International Community should react to ongoing policy of repression

 Unfortunately the  revolving door of the Azerbaijani political prison does not stop. The Working Group regretfully states that there are more and more cases of political imprisonments, and the government does not step abandon its policy of repression.

Along with presenting updated numbers and cases to the attention of international community the Working Group calls upon it to increase its efforts for more effective solution.

The Working Group calls upon the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the OSCE, the European Union, the World Bank, and other international political and economic organizations to stop ignoring the ongoing oppression of civil society in Azerbaijan. We demand that international organizations do not use the human rights and democracy agenda as a bargaining chip in their negotiations with the Azerbaijani government on other matters.


The Working Group calls for appropriate actions from the international community in response to the Azerbaijani government's unwillingness to rescind from its repressive policies against freedom of speech and human rights.

The Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly and Committee of Ministers must stop delaying discussions on the matter and to start acting on the issue of political prisoners, as their negligence encourages the repressive regime in Azerbaijan to further shrink the space for civil society.

We call upon the United States and European Union countries to introduce targeted sanctions against perpetrators of human rights abuses in Azerbaijan.

What is the Unified List of Political Prisoners in Azerbaijan

The goal of preparing the Unified List of Political Prisoners is to define the common position on people whose arrests were politically motivated, consolidate the efforts for their release in the country and internationally.

The Updated List is a result of the Research based on information and documents obtained by the WG members, or submitted to the Group, court observations and trustworthy media reports.

Decision on recognition as political prisoner is based on criterias defined in the October 3, 2012 Resolution  #1900 of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe: “A person deprived of his or her personal liberty is to be regarded as a ‘political prisoner’

a. if the detention has been imposed in violation of one of the fundamental guarantees set out in the European Convention on Human Rights and its Protocols (ECHR), in particular freedom of thought, conscience and religion, freedom of expression and information, freedom of assembly and association;b. if the detention has been imposed for purely political reasons without connection to any offence;

c. if, for political motives, the length of the detention or its conditions are clearly out of proportion to the offence the person has been found guilty of or is suspected of;

d. if, for political motives, he or she is detained in a discriminatory manner as compared to other persons; or,

e. if the detention is the result of proceedings which were clearly unfair and this appears to be connected with political motives of the authorities”.”


The decision on recognition of the case as politically motivated followed long discussions on the matters and documents. When the political motivation was obviously seen in the  court decisions on detention, statements of the law-enforcement agencies and the country leadership, The Working Group have regarded the case as political prisoner, without waiting for a trial hearing on the case.

The Working Group extends it’s gratitude to the lawyers, cooperating with the Group, who supported the work with access to documents and legal support to prisoners, who lacked independent legal representation in the investigation.

The Working Group regretfully states, that the real number of political prisoners in Azerbaijan is much higher than could be reflected in the document as many cases are under-reported due to the fear of further repression. Another problem is lack of legal education, defense lawyers, who agree to undertake political cases and lack of defense mechanisms, especially in rural regions of Azerbaijan.

Should you have any questions regarding the list, you are welcome to contact coordinators of The List  Rasul Jafarov and Intigam Aliyev  (,


Nov 27 -2016 Azerbaijan

Dear  Sir or Madam!

Do not let Azerbaijani civil society die.

I would like to let you know that my organization (Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Social Union) provides legal aid to NGOs in Azerbaijan. During recent years, especially in 2013, the government started a total attack to NGOs in Azerbaijan. First, it started with tightening of the NGO legislation and proceeded with attacks against them. The government’s pressure was followed by illegal tax audits and criminal charges. This process destroyed the civil society.

Meanwhile, my organization continued its activities in such hard conditions created for NGOs. Hundreds of NGOs filed complaints to European Court of Human Rights.

It was first such a massive event to happen in the history of Azerbaijan and maybe even in that of Europe.

ECHR has sent requests to Azerbaijan regarding the issues of 50 NGOs.

The number of such NGOs can reach 100.

The continuation of this action can motivate the destroyed Azerbaijani civil society to stand for their struggle again.

As a result of this action, cases related with violation of human rights in Azerbaijan will be demonstrated by the international community and Azerbaijani government will be imposed a financial penalty of hundreds of thousands of US dollars. It is the first step in our country.

Unfortunately, suspension of support can leave all the work uncompleted.

 There are mandatory court fees and some technical duties for conducting communications carry out the ECHR cases to the end.

 Besides, there are more than 100 cases to be defended at local courts for the continuation of this effective process.

If we are not provided support regarding the mandatory court fees and some technical duties, this action will be left uncompleted and ineffective. In such a case, we will need decades to restore everything that has been done so far.

Dear All,

Your support will strengthen our struggle .Please, do not hesitate to do Your best for us...   Do not leave us at the midway....

 Best regards

Elchin Abdullayev

Chairman,Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Social Union (DIHRSU)  (it s the opinion Mr. Elchin Abdullayev only)


There was the referendum for a mew Constitution. 29 new articles change the Constitution of Azerbaijan with  very serious consequences.


 The new redaction of the Constitution  is the legalistic base for the dictatorship of the family Ilkam Aliev forever.. The dictatorship is forever…


Khadijia Ismailova has the freedom but she has the restriction for a freedom of movement… and other  free activists ( after the “pardon” ) have the same situation.

Dear European politicians,


You remember about the large repressions for democratic activists in Azerbaijan by the dictator Aliev. Yes , we know about the “amnesty” – pardon  by the dictator. But  Azerbaijan has political prisoners yet…

 We know  Khadija Ismayil, journalist for the financial investigations, is  in the prison.

Today, international Human Rights activists  send the appeal: FREEDOM for Khadija Ismayil!  Stop for repressions! Freedom for democratic activists!


]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]  -- Azerbaijan2015 Human Rights Reports: Azerbaijan


Dear  Sir/Madam 

For detailed information on the situation of the political prisoners in Azerbaijan, please, go to the link below:
Best regards
Elchin Abdullayev
Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Social Union (DIHRSU) 
Dear All!
We established expert group and conducted evaluation on the accident in
 10th platform located in "Guneshli" oil field. 
We want to share this evaluation and annual report with you.  
Best regards, 
Mirvari Gahramanli,  Chairperson
Oil Workers' Rights Protection Organization Public Union
Baku,Azerbaijan, AZ106015,Kamil Balakishiyev Str., Apt 6
Mob: (994 50) 220 27 52 Phone/Fax: (994 12) 520 34 59
web-site: www.nhmt-az.orgE-mail:
Skype: mirvari-1946çil?rin-Hüquqlarini-Müdafi?-T?şkilati/252293961555136

Leila Alieva and her husband. They have the Freedom. They are in their home, but  it is  the  house arrest, really. The dictatorship of Azerbaijan gives the “freedom in frame” for 2 democrats but hundreds are in the prison.

REMEMBER! There are presently hundreds of political prisoners in Azerbaijan who suffer from severe tortures at penitentiary institutions. In addition to all tortures, they are subject to moral and financial difficulties.



 Dear European politicians !

 Dear representatives of international organization!

“Please, do not remain indifferent to the problem, so approach the issue as a death point of people's struggle for democracy and justice in Azerbaijan.. One of the most popular, active and distinguished with criticism of political prisoners is Ilkin Rustamzade who has been sentenced for 8 years in prison by Baku Grave Crimes Court. Ilkin has been the only working member of his family..”His family waits the financial support!

Elchin Abdullayev, Chairman,Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Social Union (DIHRSU) 

Address:  109 , Murtuza Mukhtarov street, Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ 1009  Email:,  Tel/Fax: (+994 12) 5960460 ,Mob:(+994 55)209-04-34



                       Human Rights Institute`s Foundation Allegation   (??? )


Human Rights Institute starts its work in Azerbaijan and this foundation allegation is for informing You. As an organization we understand all the obstacles and the responsibility. Aim of the Human Rights Institute is to increase the activity of the citizens, to create the civil community. The Organization aimed to protect the democratic traditions in Azerbaijan, to search the situation of the human rights and liberty in Azerbaijan and also to make social researches, organizing seminars and etc. The Organization will share its charter and activity plans with the public in few days. As an organization we also want to inform that all the required documents will be presented to the Ministry of Justice for registration.---Baku, 10 December 2015  Institute of Human Rights, Mirza Fatali side street 14; Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ1009  +994519090925



Dear officials of donor and international organizations

 Moral support to political prisoners is actual support to the development of democracy in Azerbaijan.

 The cruel regime ruling in Azerbaijan, a country with more than 100 political prisoners, is well-known to the world. This authoritarian policy paves the way for emergence of a great number of religious groups of Iran, Russia and Arabian countries in Azerbaijan, development of terrorism and religious fanaticism and collapse of the civil society.

There are more than 100 political prisoners in the country where the civil society and political opposition is collapsing and political prisoners are subject to moral, physical and psychological tortures at pretrial detention facilities and penitentiary institutions. The main purpose of tortures is to scare other people and break the creed of those people.

Unfortunately, the political prisoners are not only subject to moral, physical and psychological tortures of the regime, but also they worry about the very poor social and financial situation of their families. Most of them are the head of the family and the only person earning money in the family, that’s why their families are almost starving because of poverty and lack of a person earning money. Sometimes, family members of political prisoners are not able to go to the penitentiary institutions to visit their head of the family..



Dear officials of donor and international organizations


I would like You to support people who believe that once there will be real democracy in Azerbaijan and who do not lose their strong beliefs regardless of political pressures, imprisonments and tortures of the ruling system.

We are not able to release them from imprisonment, but we can at least morally support their struggle.

Taking advantage of this letter, I would like to ask You to help family members of those Political Prisoners study abroad (Europe, USA and Canada).

You can provide scholarship at very small funds allocated from Your budget and make those families really happy. This happiness will have a positive effect on the fighting spirit of people. In this case, people standing for democracy in Azerbaijan will fell Your support and warm attitude and understand that they are not alone in this fight, so they will take more enthusiastic and decisive steps in this direction.

Please, do not hesitate to support children and other close relations of those financially poor, but morally rich people in studying in foreign countries.


Dear officials of donor and international organizations


Let’s support people who endure tortures and other hardships, stay without water and food, but are not HOPELESS..

Let’s support the development of democracy in Azerbaijan paying attention to family members of political prisoners.

I will do my best to help You in this sacred work.


Kind regards

  Elchin Abdullayev

Chairman,  Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Social Union (DIHRSU) 








01.11.2015 Azerbaijan. It was the next spectacle of the dictatorship. The dictator Aliev made the “Aliev parliament”. It is not the parliament !

Leyla Yunus  was sentenced to 8 and-a-half years in prison by the dictator Aliev.

Arif Yunus was sentenced to 7 in prison by the dictator Aliev.  (  14.08.2015)

What is the statement of EU ???

What is the statement of Coe?


The dictator Aliev (the friend of the dictator Lukashenko) is closing OSCE Office in Baku, Azerbaijan!   It is the “good democratic” step, after HDS at Warsaw at 1-3 June  (

SOS !!!  Drastic Human Rights VIOLATIONS!


 Rasul DJAFAROV and  Intigam ALIYEV are in the prison!


Dear Sirs, participants of HDIM OSCE!


You know  Mr.Jafarov and   Mr.Aliyev…….


Human Rights Club

39 Zardabi avenue, apt. 40; AZ1063 Baku; Azerbaijan




Tel: +994-50-586 35 37

Fax: +994-12-598 45 19


Legal Education Society, Sh. Azabeyov 199/7; Baku; Azerbaijan

Mr. Intigam ALIYEV, President


Tel: +994-12-498 81 75, +994-50-204 70 10,Fax: +994-12-449 81 92


Today Human Rights Defender, Mr. Intigam ALIYEV  is in the prison of the dictator  of Azerbaijan !  The judgment of   trial of the dictatorship: 7.5 years imprison for the advocate of victims of the dictatorship.  Mr. Intigam ALIYEV  is not the political opposition activist . He was , he is the defender of the European principle for Human Rights.  Mr. Intigam ALIYEV  has 200 successful , positive decisions in ECHR on the Human Rights violation by the dictatorship of Azerbaijan!   Do you see  -- 200  effective applications! 

 It is the reason and the “argument” for the prison “life” of Mr.Aliev!


PACE !!!

Dear the President PACE, Ms.Anne Brasseur !!!

Where is your voice for Azerbaijan?

It is you said:                                                     

“Human rights, democracy and the rule of law know no borders and never should.”

Do you remember the chairmanship of Azerbaijan in CoE ???????


The Human Rigts Defender Rasul Djafarov has 6,5 year of  the prison by the dictatorship of  Azerbaijan.



The paradox of XXI century
. Azerbaijan has the dictatorship but this dictatorship is the chairman of the Council of Europe with the Convention for the Protection of  Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms


DECEMBER  --NEW TOTAL PERSECUTION.  Human Rights brutal violations for journalists of Radio Svoboda-Free Europe.

 Strasbourg, 29.09.2014 – The second Vaclav Havel Human Rights Prize – which honours outstanding civil society action in defence of human rights – has been awarded to Azerbaijani human rights defender Anar Mammadli.As Mr Mammadli is currently in prison, the €60 000 prize was presented to his father, Asaf Mammadov, at a special ceremony today at the Palais de l’Europe in Strasbourg, on the opening day of the autumn plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). Presenting the trophy, PACE President Anne Brasseur, chair of the selection panel, said: “Mr Mammadli’s commitment lies in the area of promoting democratic institutions and civil and political rights. Annar Mammadli is our long-standing partner who shared with our Assembly, but also with other bodies of the Council of Europe, including its Commissioner for human rights, his valuable expertise on the situation in his country.”Mr Mammadli is the founder and chairperson of an influential and experienced organisation in Azerbaijan dedicated to observing elections. Since 2001, his Election Monitoring and Democracy Studies Centre (EMDS) has been carrying out independent election monitoring in Azerbaijan. 



We see a next arrest for the Human Rights Defender,
Mr. Intigam ALIYEV, the Legal Education Society ,President.

We see the dictator of Azerbaijan , Aliev laughs for the Council of Europe, PACE and the European Conventions, the   Convention for the Protection

of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Europe  makes nothing!!!

Next bla-bla…

The paradox of XXI century. Azerbaijan has the dictatorship but this dictatorship is the chairman of the Council of Europe with the Convention for the Protection of  Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Considering the Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaimed by the General

Assembly of the United Nations on 10th December 1948;.....Considering that the aim of the Council of Europe is the achievement of greater unity between its members and that one of the methods by which that aim is to be pursued isthe maintenance and further realisation of human rights and fundamental freedoms; Article 1 – Obligation to respect human rights The High Contracting Parties shall secure to everyone within their jurisdiction the rightsand freedoms defined in Section I of this Convention.  SECTION I – RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS...//// And the dictator Aliev uses Stalin methods today for the persecution of citizens. The last brutal activity (30.VII -  today--- Dr.Leyla Yunus( Director of the Institute for Peace and Democracy in Baku) and A. Yunus and    Rasul Jafarov ( Legal Protection and Awareness Society) and other of the power of Azerbaijan demonstrates the mockery , the satirical mimicry for all principles and Human Rights document of CoE- PACE.


CoE must to have the hard decision: to stop the membership of Azerbaijan in CoE-PACE.


Azerbaijan’s Civil Society Letter Regarding a Motion for a Resolution (document 13484): Azerbaijan’s Chairman Azerbaijan's Civil Society

TO: Members of the Bureau of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)

Anne Brasseur,  President of the PACE

Thorbjorn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe


Wojciech Sawicki, Secretary General of the PACE


Nils Muiћnieks, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights

James Clappison, Chair of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights


Pedro Agramunt, Joseph Debono-Grech, Co-rapporteurs of the Monitoring Committee on Azerbaijan

Foreign Ministers of Members States of the Council of Europe


RE: Azerbaijan’s Civil Society Letter Regarding a Motion for a Resolution (document 13484): Azerbaijan’s Chairmanship of the Council of Europe: What follow-up on respect for human rights?


Wednesday, May 21, 2014


We understand that the Bureau of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe is due to discuss a motion for a resolution called: Azerbaijan’s Chairmanship of the Council of Europe: What follow-up on respect for human rights? (document 13484). We, the civil society of Azerbaijan, are deeply concerned by the continued imprisonment of people in Azerbaijan for exercising their right to freedoms of expression, assembly and association and therefore fully support the motion introduced by Mr. Michael McNamara, an Irish MP which called on the Assembly to “address concerns regarding the implementation of fundamental freedoms and, especially, politically motivated detention, in Azerbaijan”.


As human rights defenders facing multiple forms of harassment including, inter alia, police summons, arrest, propaganda and slandering and threats of organization closure, we believe that the motion could not be more timely, and we urge the Bureau to give it the full attention it deserves. Now that the issue has captured the attention of the Assembly, it is time for the Bureau to act and send the motion to the Legal Affairs and Human Rights Committee (AS/Jur) for a more detailed legislative solution.


Azerbaijan will be providing leadership in the Council of Europe during the next six months, promoting and protecting human rights standards in Europe and beyond. In the meantime, back home, arbitrary arrest, torture and unfair trials are widespread. Those who express criticism and speak up against human rights abuses go to prison.


Right now 30 human rights defenders, journalists, bloggers and political activists are behind bars on politically motivated charges in connection with freedom of expression. There are at least 19 prisoners of conscience in Azerbaijan, recognized as such by Amnesty International, imprisoned solely in connection with their attempts to peacefully exercise their right to freedom of expression, assembly and association, enshrined by Azerbaijan’s constitution and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR).


The existence of political prisoners is clearly incompatible with European standards and membership of the Council of Europe. There should be no wavering in the principles that are the pillars of the Council of Europe. The Council’s credibility and reputation are of immense political and ethical value.  That credibility and reputation must be defended and protected, and they must retain their relevance. In this light, Mr. McNamara’s motion, is a significant incremental step to address a pressing issue of political prisoners.


Since the failure of the Parliamentary Assembly to hold Azerbaijan to account for the serious problem of political prisoners in the country with the failure to pass a key resolution on the issue in January 2013, the situation has dramatically worsened, with a dramatic increase in arrests and detentions of persons active in political and public life in Azerbaijan.


On May 16, Parviz Hashimli, a journalist with the newspaper Bizim Yol, was sentenced to eight years in prison on fabricated charges of smuggling and illegal storage and sale of firearms. During the trial, Hashimli reported being under pressure to implicate leading government opponents. The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatoviж was “outraged by the lengthy prison sentence handed down to journalist, yet more proof of the deteriorating Azerbaijani media freedom environment”.“ There are now more than 10 members of the media in prison in Azerbaijan, convicted or awaiting trial, which is the highest number in that country my Office has observed since it was established,” Mijatoviж said.


On May 6, the eight youth activists from the pro-democracy movement NIDA that actively campaigned for democracy and against human rights abuses and social injustice and widespread corruption in Azerbaijan, were sentenced to six to eights years in prison on spurious charges of possessing drugs, explosives and intending to “cause public disorder”. The same day, Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister Mr. Mammadyarov proudly presented Azerbaijan’s priorities of the chairmanship at the annual meeting of the Committee of Ministers in Vienna.


Further examples illustrating systematic, frantic crackdown on the critical voice:


 Recent harassment of human rights defenders Leyla Yunus and Arif Yunus and criminal charges brought against Rauf Mirkadirov, thepolitical commentator with independent Ayna/ Zerkalo newspaperin retaliation for his journalism and criticism of ruling regimes in Azerbaijan, Russia and Turkey.


 Lengthy jail sentences handed down to two opposition politicians, Ilgar Mammadov, the leader of the Republican Alternative Movement and the Director of the Council of Europe School of Political Studies in Baku, and Tofiq Yagubli, the political commentator with the opposition daily Yeni Musavat and the deputy head of the Musavat Party.


 The pre-trial detention of Anar Mammadli, the head of the Election Monitoring and Democratic Studies Centre (EMDS), the most prominent election watchdog organization in Azerbaijan. This week, the Baku Court on Grave Crimes will announce the verdict in the case of Mammadli. If convicted, he may face up to 12 years in jail.


 The conviction and imprisonment of Yadigar Sadigov on charges of hooliganism on January 13. He was arrested in June 2013 prior to the start of campaigning for the presidential election that was held on October 9. Sadigov is one of the most active and popular opposition politicians in the southern region of Azerbaijan. He has often raised the local social problems before the local authorities. He was also active on Facebook with his political views.


We call on you as a member of the Bureau to:

      Ensure that the motion for a resolution Azerbaijan’s Chairmanship of the Council of Europe: What follow-up on respect for human rights? (document 13484) receives the full attention it merits during the forthcoming Bureau meeting. We believe the motion should be forwarded to the Legal Affairs and Human Rights Committee. The body which deals with a wide range of legal and human rights topics, appointing parliamentary rapporteurs mandated to prepare reports based on in situ research, hearings and exchanges of views with experts. The Committee then should appoint a new special rapporteur tasked with examining the situation of political prisoners in Azerbaijan, who should be provided with sufficient resources and political support to monitor the situation and visit the country, to coordinate and work effectively with other actors, including the PACE Co-rapporteurs on Azerbaijan, and to present periodic reports to the Assembly. The Assembly should take concrete steps to ensure that Azerbaijan is held accountable for cooperating with the special rapporteur.

       Urge the immediate and unconditional release of those who have been imprisoned solely for peacefully exercising their right to freedoms of expression, assembly and association and to ensure that those imprisoned on politically motivated charges are released or given a fair trial.


   Condemn the continuing clampdown on fundamental freedoms and demand that the Azerbaijani authorities end the harassment, intimidation, arbitrary detention and criminal prosecution of those who legitimately exercise their right to freedoms of expression, assembly and association.

   Compel the Azerbaijani government to honor its commitment to release all political prisoners, including journalists, bloggers and human rights defenders in prison or detention in connection with exercising their fundamental rights, and to stop using the courts to imprison critics and opponents.


This Thursday, the Bureau should ensure a substantive discussion and continuation of the Assembly’s work to secure the release and fair trial of all those who are illegally detained in Azerbaijan. In Resolution 1031 (1994), the Assembly observed "that all member States of the Council of Europe are required to respect their obligations under the Statute, the ECHR and all other Conventions to which they are parties. In the same resolution, the Assembly warned that "persistent failure to honor commitments freely entered into will have consequences [...]. For this purpose, the Assembly could use the relevant provisions of the Council of Europe's Statute and of its own Rules of Procedure." As a member of an Assembly which represents the people of Europe and has proved principled in addressing serious human rights violations, you have every reason to be part of the much needed solution for Azerbaijan’s political prisoners. The subsequent use of your powers under the Rules of Procedure may be well crucial in order to safeguard Council’s democratic values and civil rights.


1.    Akif Gurbanov, Democratic Initiatives Institute

2.    Asabali Mustafayev, Democracy and Human Rights Resource Center

3.    Aynur Imranova, Support for Development of Democracy and Media     

4.    Bashir Suleymanli, Election Monitoring and Democracy Studies Center

5.    Elchin Abdullayev, Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Public Union

6.    Elshan Hasanov, Azerbaijan Without Political Prisoners  Public Alliance

7.    Emin Huseynov, Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety

8.    Fuad Hasanov, Democracy Monitor

9.    Gulnara Akhundova, Rights advocate

10. Gunay Ismayilova, Rights advocate

11. Jasur Mammadov, Doctrine Journalists’ Military Research Center

12. Idrak Abbasov, Institute of Extreme Journalism

13. Irada Javadova, Education on Human Rights Public Association

14. Khalid Agaliyev, Media Rights Institute

15. Leila Alieva,  Center for National and International Studies

16. Letafet Malikova, Regional Human Rights and Education Public Association

17. Mirvari Gahramanli, Center for the Protection of Oilworkers' Rights

18. Rasul Jafarov, Legal Protection and Awareness Society

19. Samir Kazimli, Alliance for Protection of Political Freedoms

20. Sabir Alisgandarov,  Azerbaijan Lawyers Association

21. Sadagat Pashayeva, Rights Advocate

22. Ulvi Hasanli, NIDA Civic Movement Board Member

23. YasharJafarli, Rights advocate

24. Zaur Akbar, Youth Club

25. Zohrab Ismayil, Public Association for Assistance to Free Economy


It was at

Human Dimension Seminar on Improving OSCE effectiveness

 by enhancing its co-operation with relevant regional and international organizations, 13 May 2014

           The international association of independent democrats against authoritarian regimes


to Secretary General Thorbjшrn Jagland


RE: Legal persecution and ongoing harassment of the critical voice in Azerbaijan

 Dear Secretary General Jagland:

 In the first place, we welcome the adoption of the Council of Europe- Azerbaijan Action Plan, and would like to thank you for your unwavering commitment to promoting human rights and democratic development in every member state of the Council of Europe, including Azerbaijan.

    With regard to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and its Protocols, and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, we send you this special request on the subject of legal persecution and ongoing harassment of the critical voice in Azerbaijan.


 The Azerbaijani authorities have a proven track record of using detention and other forms of pressure to stifle dissent and protest. This year, the stakes are higher than usual for those voicing critical opinions in Azerbaijan with the country assuming the chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers. Local media workers and human rights defenders fear that once international attention has waned, they will face acts of retaliation for exposing unsavory truths about the country, and indeed, some critical individuals have already targeted in the run-up to the chairmanship. Critical media workers and human rights defenders face detention based on the political use of laws and other forms of persecution such as harassment, threats and blackmail.

 We recall your sharp reaction to the jail sentences handed down to two young bloggers back in 2009. You said in the official statement:

“Freedom of expression is a vital precondition of democracy. Without it there is no freedom, no creativity, no good ideas, no good solutions and no social progress. What is at stake is not only the freedom of Adnan and Emin, but the freedom and well-being of all people in Azerbaijan”.

Today more than ever before the freedom and well-being of Azerbaijani citizens are at stake.

Right now 30 human rights defenders, journalists, bloggers and political activists are behind bars on politically motivated charges in connection with freedom of expression. On the day Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry Mr. Mammadyarov presented Azerbaijan’s priorities of the chairmanship at the ministerial event in Vienna (May 6), eight youth activists (the youngest is 18-year old) who played central roles in the criticism of the ruling regime in the run up to 2013 Presidential Election  were sentenced from six to eights years in prison on fabricated  charges of illegal drugs and weapons possession and organizing mass disorders.

 The members of the National Assembly, Milli Meclis, have called for legal persecution and harassment of the non-governmental organizations engaged into criticism of the official Baku –one of the NGOs being targeted is a globally acclaimed corruption watchdog, Transparency International. Following Transparency Azerbaijan’s criticism of the Azerbaijan’s Parliament, the MPs called for the “boycott” of this NGO and “investigation” into its activity. The members of the National Assembly have added their voice to the state officials’ anti-NGO rhetoric when they publicly branded civil activists “anti-nationalist forces” and “traitors to the nation” for exposing human rights problems in the country ahead of the Council’s chairmanship.


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