65 000 persones has been repressed by the terrorist A.Lukashenko…..
Today Belarus has104 political prisoners with very danger health situation !
The dictatorship of the Russian agent Lukashenko marked 5 000 internet-portal “EXTREMIST”
FOR new spectacle “elections of president” at January 2025 – the dictatorship makes the total “sterilization” of the Belarusian society: the missives actions of the dogsdictatorship take citizens for the prevention detainments in all regions of Belarus !
BELARUS-GULAG , affter 2020 The Moscow dictatorship agent Lukashenko will teach Belarusian schoolchildren that the ” national symbols of Belarusians are Nazi”, and that “the protests of 2020 are the methods of “collaborators”, that is against Moscow. Such fake textbooks for Belarusian children have already been published. AND !!!
The dictatorship of the Russian agent Lukashenko gives the NAME "extremist formation" for all democratic Belarusian organizations and the democratic Internet media. There are many absurd examples. NEXT -- The Union of Mothers of Belarus", which opposes the war, (STOP the Russian war!) was recognized by the KGB as an "extremist organization".
the POLITICAL prisoners in Belarus! 1407
After 2020 : more 4 500 political court decisions for the punishment !!!
In February only, at least 129 persons were convicted with the political motivated criminal cases in Belarus.
Attention!104 cultural persons are the POLITICAL prisoners in Belarus!
CHILDREN!- The book “”My mother is in prison" was published by the Belarusian publishing house "Gutenberg" (Krakow). The publication contains stories of children of Belarusian prisoners.
The repression for "Pagonia" in the car was noticed in city Biarozy ,it is the next persecution for the National symbol! (“Pagonia””- is the National arms of Belarusian people),
After the 2020 elections, there were more convictions in politically motivated criminal cases
for 4.5 thousand persons...
On January 23-24, a mass attacks by security units of the terrorist Lukashenko have been across all Belarus on the families of political prisoners, former political prisoners and those persons, who helped political prisoners!
The prosecutors of the dictator Lukashenko supported the state indictment for 1,364 criminal cases "on crimes of extremist orientation””
The drastic dictator Lukashenko continues drastic repression of the Belarusian people. There are the general |”” enemy”” of the dictatorship: COLOR-- white and red !!!Everybody who has “” white and red “” has the punishment !!! \\\\\ 1500 formal (by AI) Political prisoners ! But. in reality, more 5000 political prisoners ?
Belarus today with the TORTURES , EVERY DAY !
There more 5000 political prisoners ( 1496 with the opinion of AI)
CHILDREN , hundreds children of Belarus have not parents by the terrorist , the Russian agent Alexander Lukashenko. His dictatorship took the father or the mother and there are many case that the dictatorship took the father AND the mother … to the prison! Children saw the very drastic detention of parents by “”dogs”” of the dictatorship and children have the psychic problems…..
The Stalin-Hitler dictator Alexander Lukashenko continues to kill Belarusian democratic activists in prison. Today. The victim of the Russian agent,Lukashenko, is the Ales Pushkin, the artist. The dictator “court” gave the prison for Ales Puskin, for his picture, the example of the history of the Belarusian resistance .\\\ The repression every day --it is the live of the Belarusian people...
Come back to Stalin time….
The dictatorship machine has not stop….
Citizens of Belarus have the punishment also for the “opposition” photo in Facebook at 2019 year and before… The milicia of the terrorist Lukashenko takes the phone of a citizens ant to post opposition texts… and confirms that the citizen made this post. The result: the PRISON! The court processes for the citizens is very bad primitive spectacle with the publication of the criminal cod for the innocent citizen and the punishment !The prison or the gigantic money contribution!
Today Belarus with the dictatorship of the Russian agent Lukashenko is the country of the dark and the blood….. More 5000 political prisoners… And the new persons to the immigration….
Today everyday the dictatorship special groups catch hold of citizens in many towns end cities of Belarus. Democratic persons are beating and have the psychic tortures.
More 3000 politic prisoners !!!All Belarusian culture has the very danger with the hard repressions by the Russian agent Alexander Lukashenko. The dictatorship has the new “law” the DEATH punishment for the resistance against the dictatorship and the Russian OCCUPATION of BELARUS.
Belarus.. VII 2022.
More than the North Korea ?
There are 1260 political prisoners. Very hard repressions are every day. The special group” GUBAZIK” is the group of the GESTAPO of the dictator Lukashenko. The dictatorship of the terrorist Lukashenko tries to find everybody who has any protest activity and to isolate in the prison. Next method for more fear for al citizens : new sentences for political prisoners who are the criminal verdict and they are already in the prison…… The dictatorship of Lukashenko has already criminal verdicts for all family with very small children… Why? The family used the Constitution right on the peaceful demonstration…. For the journalist normal work is the new criminal article: the crime against the state --- And see :Belarus today--
Political prisoner, the lawyer from the city Dokshytsy, Olga Yaltsevich was sentenced to 2 years of the imprisonment under Art. 342 Part 2 of the Criminal Code ("Financing of actions that grossly violate public order") {the service of the terrorist Lukashenko: “judge is Yevhen Bregan, the prosecutor is Yehor Kronda.” } Olga Yaltsevich was accused that in 2020, in cooperation with "foreign funds", she helped pay fines and for lawyers; for people who were punished for participating in protests against the dictatorship.
An activist from the city Navopolatsk was sentenced next once with three verdict. The reason: the reposting texts against the dictatorship in Internet.
The journalist Ekaterina Andreeva was expected to be released in September 2022, after 2-year prison (the punishment for streaming from a protest rally in Minsk) But now the journalist was convicted under the article "Treason to the State" and the new absurd punishment (8 years)
Террорист, диктатор Лукашенко увидел слабость армии бандитской России и пытается снова «найти контакты» с Европой. Но с другой стороны,диктатор Лукашенко требует резко усилить репрессии для народа Беларуси. Болee того, террорист, диктатор Лукашенко, затребовал от так званых «дeпутатов» принять «текст» ( псевдозакон) по которому,смертная казнь может de-facto применена за каждое «преступлениe».Страх у диктатора Лукашенко настолько сильный ,что он использует самую крайнюю меру: убивать и убивать граждан за каждую оппозионную активность
There are the totalitarianism with the terrorist Lukashenko paradox.
This bandit Lukashenko says about the peace and the schools have the special lectures for the “peace” BUT the terrorist police arrests the persons on the streets if they have the placate “STOP WAR ! “
AND --- very important ! All Belarusian Nation is against the war and Belarusian people doesn’t wishes to have the Belarusian army in Ukraine!------
But all states of the planet must know:
The bandit Russia with her terrorist army occupies BELARUS. But the dictator Lukashenko doesn’t “see” the violation of his “constitution”! The Russian army has different units for all territory of Belarus and uses all infrastructure of Belarus for her terroristic activity against Ukraine!for the bandit war in Ukraine. STOP the Russia!
the Belarusian Nation has the anniversary – 25.03.1918 -has been proclaimed the BELARUSIAN PEOPLE REPUBLIC !
Belarus under the fascists of the terrorist Alexander Lukashenko!
The terrorist Lukashenko construct the war power – JUNTA in Europe.
There is the fact: any virus is the danger … Yes, we observe and our statement at HDIM OSCE had the conclusion: the political regimes of the dictatorship have a virus… But more,
there is the example the transmission the power-junta of the dictatorship of Africa to Belarus.
The murder Lukashenko made men of the war ( KGB, police, army ) ministers for civil structures. The colonel KGB is the chef of the National Academy of the Science ….. !!!!
Our conclusion: Today Belarus is the North Korea in Europe has the confirmation everyday.
We see : the dictatorship of the terrorist Lukashenko makes repression more large. You made the “non-good” post in Internet, made the “non-good lyke”--- go to the prison, etc.
Why have not HARD SANCTIONS for the JUNTA in Europe, in BELARUS?
Bélarus – L’État de Biélorussie par le tueur Alexander Lukachenko a “oublie”,
que la Bélarus nouvelle déjà 30 ans, après 1991 année. Ce fait n’est pas brusque pour moi. Le 1994 année pour l’agent KGB du la Russie ---Alexander Loukachenko a été l’année pour «ALLE» POUR la réalisation de plan de Moscou: incorporation mon (notre, Belarusians) pays à Russie et il va par cette chemine (les documents pour l’intégration «profonde” ) Mais ,Alexander Loukachenko est le schizophrène et il ne comprend pas souvent la situation.Adolf Hitler est le professeur pour Alexander Loukachenko*** , mais Hitler a donne à les décorations à ses servants par sa main , mais le terroriste Loukachenko craint aussi ses servants assidues ….. Loukachenko signe les « papiers » seulement.
L’agent KGB du la Russie ,Alexander Loukachenko , a ferme l’association de la langue belarusian,(17.09.2021) dans le pays il y a 87 % les gens – Belarusians ethniques…... QUE est ce ? C'est STALIN russification de Belarus pour l'incorporation ==> Russie !
*** 21.12.1995 l’opinion de Loukachenko pour le journal d’Allemagne
Stalin come back to Belarus……...
Today, Alexander Lukashenko, “fan” of Stalin and Hitler execute his “Plan” of total destruction of the opposition opinion in Belarus.
After the hard punishments of the activists of protests at 2020 … The killer Alexander Lukashenko and his criminal band start deleting journalists and democratic NGOs… 13.07.2021 we see the start of “Stalin operation” and we see that the dictator -killer Lukashenko makes Belarus to the North Korea. 61 NGOs (124 NGOs yet next ) are closed. Only at 2021( I to VI): 4691 criminal offences for peace citizens of Belarus …. The work of independent journalist (in Belarus) is finished….
And WHAT the West? Yes. There is the next Declaration…….
We remember the very big catastrophe at 1986, 26 APRIL! ! !
It is the DAY important for BELAEUSIAN PEOPLE .!. ......
First of all , we remember :more 1,5 millions victims: illnesses different, the trauma psychological, total transformation of the life; radioactive territory ( almost 1\4 of all territory of Belarus) We remember! The dictator Lukashenko ignore the Catastrophe in Chernobyl ! He makes territory “clear’ by his “dekret” ! ……………..
But today, after 9/08/2020 , we have other Catastrophe: 7 killed men (hard proof) , more 35000 peoples had the repressions, more 2300 criminal offences – people in prison! And EVERY DAY – TORTURES physic and psychic !
Today, we have “news”: FSB of Vladimir Putin and KGB fabricated “terrorist act against Lukashenko”” – it is the “reason” for more big , total, Stalin -1937, repressions! The people of Belarus need your help!
The conclusion: The Belarusian people have the 2 catastrophes: Atomic station and Alexander Lukashenko. He is the very “radioactive” danger!
The bandit Alexander Lukashenko starts the “North Korea variant”
The massive attack of the dictatorship of Lukashenko to civil society: dogs of the bandit Lukashenko come in to offices, homes of journalists, Human Rights defenders, independent profession union etc. 90 cases for Belarus! (16.II.21)
258 POLITICAL PRISONERS ,,, and NEWS: 2 JOURNALISTS of TV belsat – 2 year prison for the journalist job!
There is the panic life of the dictatorship in Belarus.
The absurd in hard punishments for protestants , for persons who are against the dictator, bandit Alexander Lukashenko. Only criminal offences.
The prison: 7, 5 , 4 years with absurd criminal charges. The example: 4 year in the prison –for: “Il waved hand and foots”( without any “victims” in policmen)
Next persecutions for the color : white and red on the dress on any things
.S. RFERL underlined the fact: there is non any proportional (for the crime) punishment: if the official killed the man -- 2,6 years restriction of his freedom ( non the prison) BUT , if the oppositionist (against the bandit Lukashenko) made the throw the flower to the “OMON” (dogs of the dictator) -- 4 years in the PRISON.
Next: There is the project for the “extremisme law”” – any protestant is the extremist!---“North Korea variant”
BELARUS, January
New repressions, new trial spectacles and new victims. 176 political prisoners,
Belarus: there is the absolute ignorant the law by the dictatorship (it is the law by the dictator with the official procedure)! The power uses the “opinion” only for the persecution peace democratic people. The persecution on the absurd charge – it is everyday activity of dogs of the dictator Lukashenko. Exemples: The appeal of medicine workers in INTERNET: STOP tortures – it is the violation of the “law” – it is the “picket” !!! The flag RED-WHITE-RED inside the home, on the window –it is the “picket’!!! …. The walk in the forest with friends – it is the DEMONSTRATION against “power” ! AND MORE others absurd of crazy power of the bandit Loukashenko.
BELARUS. Bandits of Alexander Lukashenko continue very hard repressions after mass peaceful protest of the Belarusian people. And total tortures…
After 22 November –more 30 000 detained Belarusian persons : they are in the prison or they were in the prison. There are more 2000 facts (documents) of tortures for the prosecutor offices without any activity of the power. AND -- There are 1150 peaceful Belarusian persons with criminal persecutions by the dictatorship. 7 killed . Last (Mr.Bondarenko) with very brutal manner.
We see the bandit Alexander Lukashenko is crazy man.There are more hundred persons who were very hard beating by men without any signs / Victims need the medicine support. \\\\ There is the report of OSCE about president elections in Belarus. The conclusion: total falsifications and total repressions by the power. The President of Belarus didn’t elected. Alexander Lukashenko is not the president. His is the crazy bandit – same Gestapo.
The president –elect of Belarus Sviatlana Cikhanowskaya said that
TORTURES, BANDIT ATTACKS by anonym men every day.
But Belarusian people continue the protest actions !
The situation: The dictator Lukashenko has the general responsibility for the tortures everyday and bandit attacks to peace people in Belarus. There are real bandits on the streets of cities of Belarus – men*** without any signs, without “ID”, beat peace people. The power of the dictator “doesn’t sees“ theses drastic Human Rights violations ---criminal cases. But it is the criminal case with the Belarusian law! The dictator Lukashenko (by the support the dictator Putin) wants to make the Belarusian people to a flock of sheep, to make Belarus with a large prison.
Lukashenko is the general criminal and the subject for art.7 of the Rome Statute.
1)The dictator Lukashenko has the support by the dictator Putin and Lukashenko doesn’t wants to have any propositions by the European Union. First of all – Vladimir Putin!
2) The dictator Lukashenko has the schizophrenic. There is good the confirmation for this fact by the former president of Poland, Alexander Kwasniewski on BBC (Russian redaction)
The conclusion: There is not any opportunity for the compromise with the dictator Lukashenko. EU must makes the hard restriction for the dictator Lukashenko.
BELARUS, the REFOLUTION OF the DIGNITY! “WE DON’T WANT to LIVE IN THE LIE! “ 500 000 PEOPLE in MINSK, from 10 000 to 100 000 protest people in different cities and towns of Belarus. Belarusian people demand le REJIGNATION of the dictator Lukashenko from the president post!
Le dictator Alexander Lukashenko wont to suppress people manifestation with Gestapo methods. Bombs, gas, shooting and the very brutal beating --- the “propositions” for Belarusian people who protest against the hard falsification of president elections. The dictatorship of Lukashenko is not the civilization power, if this power crashes children with the armoured car. It is not the people power, if bandit men of the Lukashenko throw bombs to the pacific people, shoot to men and women, children (see photo) . It is not the people power ,if the bandits with black uniforms beat pacific people. There are 200 wounded, 7000 people in the prison and 2 death , but perhaps ,7 deaths next.
Why it is ? It is the crazy war of the dictator Lukashenko for his dictatorship forever.
26 years! He forces Belarus for 26 years by the support aggressive imperialistic Russia. The agent of the Russian KGB, Lukashenko, made the illegal referendum at 1995 year and starts the total russification of Belarus, with the repression of the Belarusian language. The native language is the base of every Nation.

Belarus, VII 2020
The dictator Lukashenko starts the method to stop the electoral revolution: “Belarus has the threat by “army Vagnera” for the destabilization of the power in Belarus’”
The VOTE DAY at 6.08.2020. The dictator Lukashenko has 25% support by people.
He has to be forever .The majority citizens of Belarus say: Go OUT Lukashenko (away)! But the dictator starts very large repressions:
On 6 July 2020. Belarus has 25 political prisoners, 700 persons have been detained, punished (in sum) for 5 years in prison and the very big money punishment.
But….The Belarusian Nation awoke -- Belarusian people want the Democracy!
What is the West? What is EU ?
Belarus has the spectacle:”Elections for the President”
There are the drastic detentions for peace people by the dictatorship.
There are the persecutions of citizens for using their constitution Rights, for Human Rights. The result for May: 195 men have—719 days and nights in the prison; more 60000 rub (~ 20 000 euro) - financial persecutions.
European Union made the appeal: the Liberty for Belarusian people – stop for detentions! \\\\ BUT ….There are next detentions for next days…
Диктатор Лукашенко хочет ( объявил) «переизбираться» 9 августа.
Беларуская оппозиция предлагает электорату бойкотировать этот спектакль,
но использовать «процесс» для разговора с гражданами. Однако диктатура уже начала репрессии: более 150 граждан задержано, 100 гражданских активистов «осуждены» на тюрьму ( на 15 – 30 суток), плюс многотысячные (в рублях) штрафы. Диктаторские “суды « над оппозиционерами продолжаются…..
55 ИНИЦИАТИВНЫХ групп граждан подали заявки на регистрацию (выборы), но диктатура отказала в регистрации для 40 групп.
BELARUS. The dictator of Belarus , Lukashenko doesn’t SALE (again) Belarus to the imperial Russia. But the dictator Putin bans the traffic of the oil to Belarus. The occupant Vladimir Putin wants to make pressing Lukashenko more.\\\Belarus needs the alternative way of the oil. What is the West?
Russsia. Putin propositions for his new power are not the problem for his “Belarusian Plan” We see the very danger for the Independency of Belarus by the Putin Russia? WHAT IS the WEST?
BELARUS. 8 DECEMBER… IT IS THE START FOR THE END of the STATE OF Belarus? The dictator (parasite*) Alexander Lukashenko will have the meeting with the dictator-bandit Putin …. Lukashenko have to signer the new AGREEMENT for “deep integration of Belarus to Russia”. It is the very important decision but the people of Belarus don’t’ see documents for this agreement. The dictator Lukashenko likes to says : ‘the people , the people…” But the citizens of Belarus have not any influence to the power in Belarus. After November illegal elections to the formal parliament there are not any opposition deputy – all “deputies” have been tacked from the List of the dictator Lukashenko. \\\\ Alexander Lukashenko is the typical parasite on the Russia--- he wants the money of Russia for his power without the reforms in Belarus, without effective economy. He thinks that the liberal economy is the danger for his power. Today the dictator Lukashenko has the total control in Belarus in each sector of the life of Belarus.
Belarus. The dictator Likashenko declared the elections to “Parliament” at this year. This act is the illegal act with the Constitution. Belarus has the repression for the opposition with everyday…. But for “good elections” the dictator Likashenko needs the more hard police and he changes the minister of the police . The new minister is not Belarusian person, he is the osetin,(from Russia, from the mountains territory ).
Mr.Karaev is the soldier of the special units/ The Belarusian opposition waits the very hard repression before the elections.
RUSSIA starts the economic war for a destroy of Belarusian economy and the annexation of BELARUS.
Belarus ,April 2019. The treat of an annnexation of Belarus with the imperialistic Russia hang above Belarus , but le dictator Lukashenko starts massive repressions .The Belarusian persons demonstrated patriotic actions , but participants of their actions have the punishment by the dictator Lukashenko.
The Russian agent Lukashenko said: ”The Russian language is our home (natural ) language” and he said that Belarus (?) doesn’t need to have the Belarusian University ( with Belarusian language and Belarusian trust history) -- the total manipulation and the lie by the dictator.
10 years for the EASTERN PARTNERSHIP. The dictator Lukashenko ignore the anniversary and he want only money of EU without European values.
HOT in Belarus! The next persecution for democrats.
The “judg
e “ of the dictator Lukashenko (Maryna Fedorova ) has given 4 years of restriction for the freedom for leaders of Independent trade-union, GENADZ FEDYNICH and IGAR KOMLIK. (24.08.2018)
And …The police of the dictatorship arrested representatives of the Opposition who were at the building of the trial for the support Genadz Fedynich and Igar Komlik) \\\ The new Dialog of EU – te dictator Lukashenko has “fiasco” .
BREAK a MIRROR ! Dictators: Maduro, Erdogan, Putin… Lukashenko and …
All dictators want to have the control total for mass-media and to destroy or to repress independent mass-media. The dictator Alexander Lukashenko starts (7.08) the war against information portals of Belarus: Belapan and and the journalist of , Mr. Pauliuk Bykouski. Journalists , workers of redactions have been arrested . There is the crime offence: art.349 p.2 of the crime cod .
EU and CoE see the repression and the political motivation for this case!
This case is the next falsification case by the dictatorship to have the hard power in the state.
The dictatorship of Lukashenko continues anti-national policy—anti-Belarusian policy. There are new repressions for Belarusian activists, journalists and the defenders (against the unmoral businesses) of the place of mass shooting people by NKVD (1935 -1939). The place with the name “Kuropaty” (near 100 000 killed men and women)
AND 1918-2018 . Belarusian activists continue the Anniversary”100 years for Belarusian republic” –celebration activity. But the dictatorship of Lukashenko doesn’t see this anniversary.
BELARUS 25.03.1918- 25.03.2018
The dictator of Belarus , the agent of Moscow,Lukashenko, saw his power: the next repressions to the Belarusian opposition, more 100 Belarusian democrats are in prison after the “action” of the dictatorship at 25.03.\\\\ 25.03.2018 has been made the declaration of Belarusian People Republic (BNR). All neighboring states have the Anniversary how the state action: 100 year! The dictator Lukashenko doesn’t see the National Anniversary for BNR! (He is the agent of Moscow). ………………..
But he gave the 1 place in Minsk for the Anniversary of the Belarusian opposition: the zone of opposition for 5 hours – the temporary zone of the Freedom. But – over this zone – the typical repressions by the dictatorship.
BELARUS – February , 2018 13.02. is the start voting … the end at 18.02.
Slowly and without any sensation is the local election company.
The dictatorship of Lukashenko doesn’t wishes to have democratic deputies in “self-government” councils … Belarus has the “vertical” of power of the dictator Lukashenko without the real self-government. The people don’t believe that any real elections are possible in Belarus.
Беларусь. Акция диктатуры: «выборы в местные органы власти» набирает темп: формируются очередные «избирательные комиссии», конечно, без представителей оппозиции, но оппозиция будет формально участвовать и в этом спектакле--- так как «общаться с народом» диктатура Лукашенко разрешает оппозиции только во время таких спектаклей.
Belarus 2017-2018
The start for le regional “elections”: the next spectacle of the dictatorship of Lukashenko. Belarus has not the self-governments ,has not regional deputies.
All elections in Belarus are the false process.
The dictator Lukashenko needs money for his power and his administration prepares a new and new strange projects to take money of citizens.
The project of the “Guarantee found” for businessmen who will have the criminal offence. “You give the money – you have not the prison”
After people protest actions at March-April 2017 , the power made the conclusion: to do the prevention repressions.
Today Belarus has the first crime charge against the independent triad-union (REP) with the chairman, Genadz Fedynich. This democratic organization supported the protest people. AND ,we see trials for democratic persons who had the picket actions at July.\\\\ The dictatorship waits new protest actions of peoples at September.
WHAT WEST ? What European Union and Mr.Bogdan Zdroewski (MEP)?
The dictator of Belarus, A.Lukashenko come back…………………………….
Today, we see the end of the Decree (a new tax) of the dictator about “darmoedy” --- citizens who don’t wish to work in Belarus. Lukashenko retreat: the government return money to citizens (“darmoedy”) who made the transaction of the money for this tax .
Belarus under the dictatorship. Liberalization ? No! ! !Repression forever! See the good example.---- Brest-city, the permanent opposition activists Andrey Sharenda and his wife Palina Sharenda-Panasiuk have the next persecution:, “ a crime “ : “A defamation of president Lukashenko” . (There is a same “a crime for the opposition activist in Vitebesk”). Brest activists posted on the street “ a poster” (a placard) . (\\\ The dictator said about the Freedom of expression -it is the Human Rights. at 2.02.017.But his officers didn’t hear his speech……….
(“Article 10 – Freedom of expression,1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression” – Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms) …………………………………………………………………….
EU politicians ! HELP for Belarusian activists !
The dictator Lukashenko confirm (at 21.04) : repressions forever!! What is West!?
but He wishes to have "good" with West >>>?????
1.Mikola Statkievich is free today, yet.. 2.M.Statkievich appeals to Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel. Why? Hitler made the provocation for the Reichstag… The dictator Lukashenko makes the provocation today: he catches 35 patriotic Belarusian persons and the dictator makes the false crime: “anticonstitutional overturn” .3 AND.. There are near 1000 democratic persons who were punished with the prison (15-25 days) or with the fine.
The dictatorship of Lukashenko starts new kidnapping: there is the any contact with Mikalay Statkievich for 3 days. \\\\ HARD SANCTION , HARD, without the children games, for the dictator Lukashenko and his bandits !
Tsunami repressions in BELARUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For trust Belarusian people 25.03 – is the Day of the Freedom, the Day of the proclamation of Belarusian People Republic at 25.03.1918.
Trust Belarusian people had the plan to hold the peace demonstration in Minsk and other cities and towns. The dictator Lukashenko ( Russian man) with militia (policemen) force stops the peace demonstration and has arresting more 9 0 0 of trust Belarusian men and women
Mr.Rigony!-PACE- Haw many money you have by the dictator Lukashenko for your closed eyes ?
Belarus. The dictator Lukashenko proposes the slavery and forced labour for Belarusian citizens. No machines -- human work. It will be the method for the liquidation of the unemployment.
It is his answer for the people protest against the Decree of the dictator (the tax for “darmoed”- unemployed (in Belarus) people.)
‘”Articles 6 to 11 may be regarded as core provisions for the protection of
the life, liberty and physical security of the individual. These provisions
also stipulate the narrow confines within which the death penalty may legitimately be imposed in States parties where that penalty has not been abolished. Specific prohibitions are set out concerning torture,
unauthorized medical experimentation, slavery and forced labour “ --The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
16.ІІІ.The dictatorship starts large repressions. After people protests in the regional towns (and Minsk) – we see more 80 arrests ( and the detaining) of leaders and journalists.
The economy goes to down. There is the new economic war:Russia-Belarus. It is the next “milk war”. The dictator Lukashenko starts the crime persecution for the Russian power man.
Belarus needs money and money……………………… the dictator Lukashenko goes to the end
Около 400 000 граждан Беларуси власть РБ признало «дармоедами», т.е. граждан, которые не платят налоги. Два года назад диктатор Лукашенко ,указом, приказал брать однократный налог от граждан , которые не платят обычные налоги. 2016 год показал, что власть смогла «выбить» такой налог, только у 15 000 граждан. Абсурд очевиден. От 400 000 до 900 000 граждан РБ работают в России, так как зарплаты в Беларуси очень низкие. Но, аналогичная ситуация ( трудовая эмиграция) и для Таджикистана, Узбекистана, Кыргызстана, НО ТАМ «ДАРМОЕДОВ» не нашли.
The big show “Elections” in Belarus. It was not elections—was the total falsification. But it had the “positive signal”: there are the 2 democratic persons in “parliament”.
After 11 September we see the new start for repressions by the dictatorship of Lukashenko. There are new punishments for democratic activists with gigantic money restrictions and a next step….a confiscation of a house, a car, home things…
31-08-2016,Warsaw, Poland , representatives of the dictatorship “parliaments” ( BELARUS and AZERBAIJAN) are in the Polish parliament. What is it ? It is SALE the democratic values by the power of Poland ?
The sensation! Poland starts the active collaboration with the dictatorship.
The pseudo-parliament of the dictator Alexander Lukaszenko is not recognized by the West after the coup d’état (destroying of the Constitution order) by Lukashenko at 1996. Any official delegation of the democratic West didn’t have the meeting with the members of the pseudo-parliament of the dictator. ………………………………………………
The Poland has the new nationalistic government and the official delegation of the Parliament of Poland (Sejm) had the meeting with the members of the pseudo-parliament of the dictator Lukashenko at 2-4 August.
What is it ? It is the betrayal of the Democratic values , European values ?
It is the end of the Polish support for the Belarusian opposition?
Belarus ? Elections 11/09/2016 ? No! It is the next game of the doctatorship!
Latvia and next
“ We see the first visit of the minister Makey to the state of EU – Latvia, after the rejection of “sanctions” …….Why Latvia ? We think that is the gift of the dictatorship of Lukashenko to Latvia and the “game” of the government of Latvia. Do you remember? 2014 year, Belarus and the statement of the citizen of Latvia, Maira More with TV ( the representative of EU, at 2014). She said: “ You ( Belarusian citizens ) must support your president” (Lukashenko)
See statement:
“ Виновата не только диктатура Лукашенко. Ему помогают и чиновники , политики ЕС. Вот свежий пример. Представитель ЕС в Беларуси, гражданка Латвии , мисс Майра Море (Maira More ) вдруг сделала заявление , которое показало ТВ диктатора. Она сказала, что граждане Беларуси должны поддерживать своего президента Александра Лукашенко. Это заявление представителя ЕС, но ЕС, ранее, дал дефиницию для Лукашенко – «диктатор». “
ITALY - the dictator of Belarus.
Who is Mr. Sergio Mattarella ! He is the lawyer or not ? Why he doesn’t resolution of the European Parliments ?
WHY Italy wishes to have the friend the dictator Lukashenko? After “sanctions” the dictator of Belarus had the meeting in Italy? Why? The president of the democratic state , Mr. Sergio Mattarella meets with the dictator Lukashenko ! I understand the former premier of Italy was the dictator. Today. Italy support the democratic values but the president of Italy meets with the dictator. Alexander Lukashenko said that we (the dictatorship) has the more democracy than West has it.. What is the profit for the Italy after the meeting with the dictator Lukashenko? Belarusian children to Italy? Or there is the people tradition of Italy: all dictators are “good men”
The new policy by the dictator Lukashenko ?
Liberalisation , Democracy ? No and No! We see the END for the “liberalisation”. After the punishment for opposition activists with the robbery ,very big money ( “administrative responsibility”). They were fined for millions rubles ( 1000 -3000 euro) for having "violated the law"……………………………………………….
Today the dictatorship returns to “normal” methods. The very active opposition activist Mr.Viacheslaw Siwchyk has been beaten hard before his home by policemen. The dictator Lukashenko wishes to stop the protest of citizens:”Charnobyl way”. Today the same way has the very danger—the economy situation of Belarus down and down….
The dictatorship doesn’t wishes to have the large protesters on streets …..
April 2016 --the meeting: EU-Belarus-- and What ?
The dictator Alexander Lukashenko has the very many official meetings with the representatives of West ( EU and USA) at last time. What wants the West? Why West doesn’t hear the opinion of the dictator about “non reforms” , or the lie about “good Human Rights situation”. Today, for the dictator Lukashenko is only 1 Human Right: “ The general right – it is the right have the life” (a physiological existence, a physical life only)
The dictator Lukashenko asks the money by Russia (it is 1,1 bil.$ today--m.b. )and takes the money from old "friends" or the prison ...
EU STOPPED SANCTIONS BUT the DICTATOR Lukashenko continues REPRESSIONS! 28.01, the journalist Pavel Dabravolski, HR activists Maksim Shycik and Pavel Siargey have been beaten by the police of Lukashenko. 20.12.2015-The student Kastus Achramenka has been beaten by the police of Lukashenko. The reason ? He spiked in Belarusian language on the street of Minsk city , the capital of Belarus. Belarusian graffitists have been punished .
Vadzim Zheromski, MaksimPiekarski, Viacheslau Kasinerau made the graffiti on the old wall . It was: “Belarus must be Belarusian!” the DICTATOR Lukashenko continues the discrimination for all Belarusian ! The last example: the brutal attack of the newspaper “Belarusian military newspaper” (edited by the Ministry of the defense in Russian language ) to the activity of Belarusian patriot youth . All state structures use the Russian language and more … The notary office in Minsk writes that Belarusian language is the foreign language!
the DICTATOR Lukashenko adopted “the China method” for Internet control!
OSCE:”President election was not democratic”
Belarusian opposition does the appeal to the power of Belarus and EU!
We see new repressions! 15-01-2016
We demand to execute 3 conditions for the step to the Democracy in Belarus.
Fair elections, free registration for democratic NGOs and parties, freedom for independent media.
Belarus had the “elections”. The dictator Lukashenko wrote 83% votes for his result.
It was not the elections – it was the action’ Lukashenko only. The real opposition didn’t have his “Candidate” for the next spectacle of the dictatorship.
After “elections” the activists of the opposition have been sentenced to fine with the very high money quotes.
The special reporter of UN, Mr.Miklosh Harazsti did the new report “Belarus”: “NO CHANGE to the good way and the all freedoms are pressing”
But EU “frozen sanctions” for Belarus (for 4 months)! Why? There are not the political prisoners ? Yes. --Today. What are proposals of Belarus for “liberalization” ? – Nothing. What wants EU for Belarus? – Nothing! The action ““frozen sanctions” – is the action for the action ONLY.
The dictator Lukashenko supports of Russian military occupation to Belarus.
11 October. BELARUS. Today we see the total falsification of the election process by the dictatorship of Lukashenko. The election commissions have not the representatives of Belarusian opposition. We know the words of Stalin: “There is very important of the counting process of votes , WHO do the act of counting, first of all.”
Lukashenko system power has been for 21 years. It is the experiment time, the time to find new falsification method, manipulation of popular opinion and Hebbels lie.
11 October. BELARUS. Today we see the total falsification of the election process by the dictatorship of Lukashenko. The election commissions have not the representatives of Belarusian opposition. We know the words of Stalin: “There is very important of the counting process of votes , WHO do the act of counting, first of all.”
Lukashenko system power has been for 21 years. It is the experiment time, the time to find new falsification method, manipulation of popular opinion and Hebbels lie.
The dictator Lukashenko supports of Russian military occupation to Belarus.
The dictator Lukashenko wishes Money only - NOT DemocracY!
EU, OSCE go to Belarus.
The dictator Lukashenko promises „ALL”. He promises “good elections” for OSCE.
The General Secretary OSCE and the director of ODIHR were in Minsk.
The delegation of the parliament of EU was in Minsk. The dictator Lukashenko promises “ good Human Rights” but “We have not political prisoners”. It is not truth!
The dictator Lukashenko proposes the ambassador of Germany in Belarus to do “ good relationships “ . What is it ? It is the very old proposal by the dictator: “Germany (West) gives the money for the support of the dictatorship. We ( me- Lukashenko) keeps the independence of Belarus”. What is the “Independence” with the every day Lukashenko activity for the destroying Belarusian language, Belarusian culture, Belarusian national policy ? ? ?
What wants the dictator Lukashenko? He want the legitimization of his dictatorship by EU and the money for the support of his power.
What are Human Rights in Belarus, the Democracy.
“There are not any problems”, --said the dictator.
After next “dialog: EU –Belarus” ----
The dictator Lukashenko cannot be the democrat! EU wants to see “signals by Lukashenko: go to the Democracy”… EU wants to have dreams! ………………….
EU must understand: the dictator Lukashenko is not the protector, the defender of the sovereignty of Belarus, of the state Belarusian Nation ! \\\ EU must understand (after Putin war) the Belarusian language is the protector , the defender of the sovereignty of Belarus! .! .! ……….\\\” Identity is built on culture, language and history.” – who said it ?\\\
But the dictator Lukashenko doesn’t want to have the Belarusian education. There is NOT the university in Belarusian language. Schoolchildren with Belarusian are 15% only today. 20 years of Lukashenko power and we see the dropping for 4 ones. ! …………….
There is the prognosis: if EU, West, don’t the real support to Belarusian democrats ----- after 2-3 years the state Belarus will have the death. We will see the incorporation of Belarus to Putin Russia………………………………………………
Is it the dream of West ?
NEXT. Putin (Russian) propaganda is the Lethality poisoning substances. Putin propaganda poisons the Belarusian people every day………………………………..
European politician meet with the dictator Lukashenko ?
The last “good meeting” was with the Minister of foreign affair of Austria.
What is the goals of same meetings ? Money for European crisis state or the support for Belarus to do steps to the Democracy?
Today, 16.04.2015. The new EU representative contacts with the dictator Lukashenko in Minsk. No results.
The dictator Lukashenko supports the his dictatorship and next repressions. He doesn’t to have democratic state. Money, only money – it is his proposal for West (and EU).
But West money for Belarus is the support dictatorship only. It is not stop contacts Lukashenko with Moskow. Lukashenko made Belarus same “Russian” Crimea.
The incorporation Belarus to Russia will be …………………………………
Belarus today down and down!
The dictatorship adopted the new law for “war situation”. But there are the opinion experts that it is the next step for repressions in the president election year.
Belarus has the economic crisis after the currency down in Russia. The dictator Lukashenko changes les persons in the government, the new premier, new ministers and the old government. The dictator thinks about the president elections at Mars…
Will be it? Perhaps. ( the official date for elections --- November 2015)
What is Belarus today? There are 7 political prisoners. The dictatorship continues the persecution democratic activists. The economy goes to down.
The dictator Lukasahenko said the Economy is not good and he gives surprises for the Europe about Belarusian historic territories in Russia. He said:” Smolensk and Briansk regions (in Russia) must return to Belarus.
and the dictator Lukashenko does the new step -go to Russia (X.2014)
Я не хотел выступать на этой сессии – очень больная тема для беларусов.
Сегодня Беларусь на 90% русифицирована.
Кто это сделал американцы или русские?
Беларуская Беларусь уничтожена – это как убили ваших родителей.
Но русские шовинисты не успокаиваются, они даже международные законы пытаются перекраивать на свой лад.
Вчера Кремль объявил о «геноциде русскоязычных».
Я знаю международное право: нет в международных документах такого «народа» - русскоязычные, как нет немецкоязычные или англоязычные.
В больной России забыли призыв Салженицына: «ЖИТЬ НЕ ВО ЛЖИ!»
Заставил меня выступить вчерашний упрёк в мой адрес «русскоязычного товарища», но не моего товарища. Отвечу ему русской пословицей: «На воре шапка горит».
Такие русскоязычные не знают не только государственного языка страны проживания , они не знают и русский язык.
Когда я говорил о «правозащитных организациях – троянских конях», я имел ввиду организации, которые созданы русскими и ,которые управляются Кремлём. Я не использовал слово «ВСЕ», надеялся , что здесь присутствуют только умные люди…..
В ситуации , когда агрессивная фашистская Россия ведёт войну против суверенной Украины, должно быть понятно о каких организациях было сказано.
Именно русский язык стал оружием Кремля.
Реализовался мой прогноз и предсказание Мекли . Напомню.
"Через язык можно вести захватнические войны (!!!!!), подчинять (!!!!!)себе другие народы, менять общество и общества в нужном ключе. Причем те, с кем это будет производиться, не будут сопротивляться, ибо чаще всего этого они не почувствуют и не осознают. Кроме того, все это делается на глубинном, скрытом уровне, что обеспечивает особую эффективность осуществляемых замыслов".==>Тофик МЕЛИКЛИ, доктор филологических наук, профессор, президент Московского общества азербайджанской культуры "Оджаг", 2011 год,
EU -- Belarus -VII 20014 and October 2014 - what Belarus ?
WHY is this decision? Theses persons are not support the dictator Lukashenko and the have not the responsibility for serious HUMAN RIGHT violation and repressions? No! They continue their HUMAN RIGHT violation activity.
What is the sense, “visa ban” ? EU politicians go to the crazy…
No hard sanctions for Putin dictator aggressive Russia demonstrate it with the very open manner. Europe wishes to have the new war, WWIII.
of 8 July 2014
implementing Regulation (EC) No 765/2006 concerning restrictive measures in respect of Belarus
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 765/2006 of 18 May 2006 co
The following persons are deleted from the list set out in part A of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 765/2006:
No 8
Arkhipau, Aliaksandr Mikhailavich;No 21Berastau, Valery Vasilievich;No 27Bushnaia, Natallia Uladzimirauna;
No 131
Mihun, Andrei Arkadzevich;No 164Samaliuk, Hanna Valerieuna;No 195Svorab, Mikalai Kanstantsinavich;
No 200Tratsiak, Piotr Uladzimiravich;No 212Varapaev, Ihar Ryhoravich.
The dictatorship has the gift by EU.
Vladimir Makey has visa-free
The next step of the dictatorship is the prison for the next Belarusian democrat.
The fear says: a dialog. The brain is silent. Belarus.
Hostages of the dictator propose the dialog with the dictator of Belarus.
Why? It is very simply. We see a very big fear of the authors of the new-old dialog.
The dictator Alexander Lukashenko is the Belarusian Stalin and more he has psychic illness , same schizophrenia. His repressions for Belarusian opposition have more and more specific charter and are more hard charter. It is typical situation for: the terrorist – the victim. We see the start the “Stockholm syndrome” for some formal leaders of Belarusian opposition. They have a very big fear and they have a fatigue for long years sub the dictatorship. But they try to find a “good argument “for their fear. It is the “struggle” against a Russia incorporation for Belarus. But what is an incorporation? It is not the action for one day it is the process. We have the start it for Belarus. We will see a next step for the economic incorporation at this year and at 2014. 2015 year opens a “door “for the politic incorporation of Belarus to Russian. The dictator Lukashenko has not any “arms” for the protection of Belarus. Money, a gas, an oil go to Belarus from Russia. Mister–tovarisch Putin can do STOP for this recourses of the power of Lukashenko at every moment. What can do Lukashenko? Nothing!
The conclusion: The dictator Lukashenko is not the defender of the sovereignty of Belarus. The proposal for “the dialog” reflects the big fear of the authors only and is not a support for sovereignty of Belarus. This game must be over!
The dictator Lukashenko has the Decree ( the law) for a new method for workers of Belarus. It is a slavery system in Belarus today. A worker has not the right to change his job .
USSR had a very repressive criminal article, 58, any activity against soviet power. The dictator Lukashenko has a same criminal article. It is an “extremism”. But the extremism by Lukashenko is any activity of the opposition against the dictatorship today.
Belarus today.XII ..................................................................................................
(PACE)- Le Comité des Ministres a examiné avec attention la Recommandation 1992 (2012) sur « La situation au Bélarus », en prenant également en considération la Résolution 1857 (2012) de l’Assemblée parlementaire. The Parliamentary Assembly refers to its Resolution 1857 (2012) on the situation in Belarus, in which it expresses its deep concern about the deteriorating situation of human rights and civil and political liberties in Belarus. The Belarusian authorities have continued to take an increasingly repressive approach to any attempt to express dissent, with ongoing intimidation and arbitrary detentions and the targeting of members of the opposition, independent media, civil society activists and human rights defenders.
2012 Elections in Belarus don’t was the elections. It was a next spectacle of the dictatorship. Belarusian opposition adopted the Declaration .” The power made the false result of the election in illegal manner. Belarusian peoples demonstrated the boycott of the election. The elections were down.”
EU keeps their “sanctions” but doesn’t wishes to adopt a new sanctions for the dictatorship of Belarus but adopts sanctions for Iran.
Poland –Belarus.October 2012.There are new facts Poland support the dictatorship Belarus against the Belarusian democrats. Tax documents has been send to Belarus. And the “grant information” has been opened. See (in Polish),945571-Dane-MSZ-dot--pomocy-rozwojowej-w-internecie.html and
23 September. We see a next spectacle of the dictator Lukashenko” Elections”.Belarusian opposition has not their members in the elections commissions. The opposition’ candidates didn’t have the time in TV and in a radio for statements. the Central Election Commission created a Supervisory Council for control over compliance with the rules and regulations of election campaigning in mass media.The power uses administrative resources with a maximal opportunity. There is the List of the “deputies” today before a voting day (23.09.) There is the opposition protest. Belarusian parties, Belarusian Popular Front and Union Civil Party deleted their candidate lists , Names of their members will absent in ballots. United Civil Party calls for the boycott of the elections.The majority of Belarusian people don’t wish participate in the spectacle of the dictator Lukashenko. .
Belarus VIII-12. After the dictatorship decisions and a new “law” about a special service in Belarus we see the transformation KGB to Gestapo. KGB adopts the DECISIONS about the right of citizens on a free trips. There is a first victim of a same decision of KGB -- Andrey Bondarenko who is the defender for prisoners. We will see a new old game of the dictator Lukashenko at 23 September, new false voting day. Elections? No! it is a next spectacle only. The dictatorship has “new deputies” on 24 September today. The dictatorship understands hard ECONOMIC sanction only. ..
Remember the terrorism act in Minsk, (11.04.2011) by Lukashenko dictatorship. The death penal for yang men . They were innocent in the terrorism. Stalin-Lukashenko trial sentences are not fair. April 2012. We see a new wave of a persecution for the Belarusian opposition. There are new unfair trials and Lukashenko “black list” for the opposition. The dictatorship stopped trips of democratic people to EU. We see “a Lukashenko people’ protests” against the Belarusian opposition. There are court complaints for the opposition. It is a typical Stalin method: the people are against an enemy of the authorities. A total manipulation ---- zombies are in Belarus.
New words of the dictator Lukashenko about “a dialog with EU” is a next manipulation only.
We demand – NO political prisoners, 3 democratic steps in Belarus ( EU) , first of all. After, it will be “a dialog “.
Only next European sanctions for the dictatorship AND proposals for Belarusian people.
1/ Visas free (or low price, 10Euro)
2/ Proposals for European Universities in 27 states to have 20-30 places for Belarusian students
3/ A humanitarian food support for Belarusian poor pensioners with a European control.
The Denmark-presidency. Denmark will watch the Belarusian situation carefully. To be or not to be. There are different approaches.
Last news: ONLY 21 lukashists have been ban, new visa restrictions for officers ( judges and policemen) of the dictator Lukashenko.27.02.2012. ( There is the list for 165 lukashists) The Parliament of EU.
European Parliament resolution of 16 February 2012 on the death penalty in Belarus, in particular the cases of Dzmitry Kanavalau and Uladzislau Kavalyou (2012/2539(RSP)) .There are arguments showing that prosecutors and the Belarus Supreme Court held an unfair trial and that the investigation was marred by serious human rights abuses and intentional disregard of important evidence indicating the innocence of the two men and whereas, according to observers of the trial, there were serious procedural violations during the preliminary investigation and the judicial examination of the case; 1. Reiterates that the European Union and other international institutions have repeatedly urged the Belarusian authorities to abolish the death penalty; to implement the recommendations of the UN Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, to ensure appropriate publicity for the judicial process, and to conform with the OSCE Human Dimension commitments, particularly in the field of the rule of law; 10.